Facts About Drowning
For All Pool Owners
On this page I will go over some of the facts about drowning.
There are a lot of interesting statistics and they all say too many
kids are drowning in backyard swimming pools.
After going over the facts I will list all of the different things you can
be doing to prevent this from happening to your loved ones.
Please take the time to read all of this and be sure you are
doing everything you can to prevent a child from drowning in your
These statements come from Mayo Clinic and Safe kids Worldwide.
- About 300 children under the age of 5 drown in pools in the
U.S. every year.
- Most of these victims were being supervised by one or both
- Nearly 70 percent of these kids were not expected to be near
the pool area.
- More than 75 percent of children that drown in neighborhood
pools are out of sight for less than 5 minutes.
- Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death in
the U.S. for children ages 1-14.
There are many ways we can lower these numbers.
- Alarms - You can install them on your doors, fence gates, in
the pool and a child can even wear one.
- Safety Covers - There are many high quality pool covers that
will hold the weight of children and adults.
- Above Ground Pools - They are much safer than in ground pools,
especially with an added safety fence.
- Teach Your Children to Swim - Start swimming lessons as early
as possible.
- Remove Toys - Leave nothing in a pool a child may want to go
in after.
- Designate a Child Watcher - Make sure someone is assigned the
duty of watching the children.
- Use Floatation Devices - Water wings are great but you still
have to watch them every minute.
- Learn CPR
If you have any ideas about drowning prevention or if you have a
drowning story please share it with us
The next time you have a large gathering that consists of a lot
of children, consider appointing a life guard. This can be a
fun responsibility for some of the older kids to share.
Learn the facts about drowning and see how you, and your kids,
can be safe in your pool.
68-Inch Portable Lifeguard Chair
top of Facts About Drowning
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