Water Pressure

by Ellen
(Elmwood Park Illinois)

We just recently changed the hoses for filter and heater and this year our filter pressure is running at 20, is it possible the hoses are too long which would cause the pressure to be too high.

Is there a minimum length the hoses should be?

Hi Ellen.

You did not describe how long the hoses are or what length you changed from. If you are talking about the filter system being moved back away from the pool by 20 to 30 feet, that could make a difference. If you are talking about going from 6 to 8 feet it would not make a difference.

The farther away from the pool the pump is set the less effective it will be. Or put another way, a larger pump is needed to draw water from long distances.

I have never heard this to have an effect on the pressure gauge, so I'm guessing it is something else. Pressure gauges are not the most reliable and it's possible it just needs replaced. This would be the case if the water pressure going back into the pool seems the same but the gauge is reading higher.

If the water pressure is greatly reduced you may have used the wrong type of filter media. Or it's possible you are having pump problems and it is not pumping the water like it should. An air leak could also reduce water flow.

It might be something a local pool repair shop could better help you our with.

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Losing Water Pressure

by Lisa
(Marshall Texas)

I just bought a new sand filter thinking that was the problem. My above ground pool is losing water pressure after about 5 min of using my lady bug pool cleaner.

Thanks, Lisa

Hi Lisa.

You mentioned you bought a new sand filter but you did not say whether or not you replaced the pump. Most of the time, loss of pressure like you are describing, is caused by a leak in the hair and lint pot lid.

If you did replace the pump I would check it. Normally you will see the pot fill up with air while the filter is running, very quickly when the cleaner is hooked up. The fix for this is to use aqua lube on the lid o-ring. If that does not fix it you could replace the o-ring and maybe even replace the entire lid. With some of the older Hayward pumps the entire pot assembly needs to be replaced because the warp.

If you are sure that is not the problem then you should check the cleaner hose to make sure it is not collapsing from to much pressure. A 1 1/2 HP pump could easily collapse a cleaner hose causing the pump to draw air from where ever it could get it from.

Cleaners usually come with a suction regulator so that high powered pumps can be toned down a bit. If you have one, lower the suction on the cleaner so that it is getting just enough to move around, but not so much as to go crazy or for the hose to collapse.

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Bad Pump Pressure

by Jeanette
(Kilgore Texas)

When I turn the pump on filter it is not getting enough pressure for me to vacuum the pool but if I put it on re-circulate it works fine.

I have backwashed the filter and checked the hoses. The hair and lint box keeps getting air in it and I don't know why?

Hi Jeanette.

The hair and lint pot getting air in it is probably the cause of you loosing pressure. This is usually the problem.

The hair and lint pot has an o-ring in the lid. Make sure that o-ring is well lubricated with aqua-lube. This should be done every few times you clean the basket out.

If a good lube job does not fix the air leak you may need a new o-ring. If that does not work you may need a new lid. If that still does not work an entire pot assembly may be required.

If you get to this point, and don't have the fifty, to seventy five, bucks to put out on a new assembly you could always try my method. Use a grocery store plastic bag between the lid and the lint pot. The bag plus a lot of lube will just about always do the job. Sometimes I have to double the bag up, but sooner or later, that thing quits sucking air.

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Pump and Filter Problem

by Beth

I just opened my pool and my pump will start off at between 5-10 pressure, but after 1-2 hours, it is on 15 pressure and not pushing much water at all.

Please tell me what to do. It is a sand filter and the pool is 28x52. The pump is 1 and a half horse power. I have tried backwashing, any more idea?

Thanks, Beth

Hi Beth.

My first guess would be air getting into the system. Make sure your hair and lint pot has a good seal. Check the return flow for any signs of excess air bubbles.

If the sand is clogged a very long run in backwash might take care of it. An extremely dirty pool might require frequent backwashing until the water is clean.

If nothing else works, and you are sure the rest of the system is operating correctly you could change the sand in the filter. This should be done about every five years, it might be a good time to do it.

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