by Richard
(Southeast Texas)
Plumbing Questions
I just bought a 27' round AGP and was wondering how many return lines is best? Also should I use 1 1/2" or 2" PVC? I have a 1 1/2 HP pump and a Clearwater DE filter.
Hi Richard.
I would use two return lines, that seems to be perfect for anything over a 1 HP pump. Most above ground pool systems are compatible with 1 1/2" plumbing, so that is what I would use.
by Paula
(New Braunfels, Texas)
How big of a sand filter do I need for a 16 x 32 above ground Dough Boy pool?
Hi Paula
I would recommend a tank that would hold at least 200lbs of sand.
by Dan
(Maryland )
Pool Return Fitting
When I replaced my return jet the liner moved up slightly. Now the return fitting gasket does not cover the liner and there is a gap where water can enter into. Do they make an oversize return fitting that I can purchase so I can get it sealed up? The return jet I have is a Hayward. Its a little hard to see in the picture, but the gap is at the 700 position.
Hi Dan.
Here is what I would suggest doing. Drain the water down to just below the return and remove it. Get a Boxer glue patch kit and cut a patch that will cover the opening and fit up against the return opening.
Apply some glue to the patch and place it in behind the liner. You do not need to wait for the glue to dry, just reinstall the fitting and fill the pool.
I have done this for customers many times and it works great.
Why is it necessary to remove the return eyeball for winter closing? I live in eastern North Carolina where we do have some days of freeing temps in the winter. Thanks Donnie
You never want to remove the fitting, ever. For winter closing you either cap the return and skimmer and leave the pool full, the preferred method. The other method is to lower the water below the skimmer and return lines.
Either way should allow you to move your filter system into the garage or basement for the winter.
by Marlee
I have had my above ground pool for 5 years. I have a sand filter with a 1.5 HP pump.
The water is perfect, balanced, clear but the hoses move and the water rocks and gets wavy. My return flow is excellent, maybe too strong!
When I put my hand in front of the return flow, the water blasts out unevenly which makes my pool water slightly rocky. It is about 10 seconds of strong flow return followed by 4 seconds of semi strong return then repeated. 10 seconds of strong return followed by 4 seconds of semi-strong return ect.ect.
Everyone says it is ok, leave it alone, but it seems unusual that it is not even flowing.
My pressure gauge is broken and has been replaced twice. I cannot get a reading so it is impossible to tell the pressure but I know when to backwash and do not use a vacuum that compromises my filtration system.
The water is perfect, I keep my eye on everything-it seems o.k. Experts say there is no need to replace my sand filter because of a faulty guage that does not register when my readings are fine EXCEPT FOR ROCKY HOSES AND WAVY WATER!!!!!What do you think? Thank you
Hi Marlee
It sounds to me like you are almost OK. You are doing so many things right.
The pressure gauge is no big deal. When your return flow slows down it is time to backwash, you really don't need a pressure gauge to tell you that.
Your flow problem is an air leak. It is probably minor but they do get worse if not tended to. I would put Aqua Lube on the hair and lint basket cover o-ring and see of that helps.
Older Hayward units would actually warp in that area, so replacing the o-ring and lid would not fix the problem, you had to order an entire new basket.
Another thing that might help, at some point anyway, is to add a second return. A pump with 1.5 HP is fine for an above ground pool as long as you have two returns. They draw water just fine from one skimmer, but the need more output space. A second return would really help, but that is not your current problem. You just have an air leak somewhere.
I am hoping and praying you or someone can help us. I had this problem last year also, but when I put my setting on filter or anything but bypass to pool it leaks out the backwash.
I can't get my water right because I constantly have to add new water. I have replaced the handle part that you turn and even this year ordered a new piece for that and the pool store fixed it. When I pull up on the handle a little the water comes out even more.
I have had so many issues with this (money pit) I mean pool. Please help. Could this be the sand needs replaced? Somehow the settings are off and the pressure is just not right.
Hi. The only thing I could think of that would cause this problem is the spider gasket in the valve assembly. This rubber gasket can wear out over time. This gasket seals the different ports so that only the one in use should have water going through it. When this gasket starts to fail the water can flow between the ports and will cause the backwash to leak constantly. A worn spider gasket can also be the cause of filter sand winding up in the bottom of the pool.
Some filters have this problem more than others, and for some it is next to impossible to fix. The only solution is to securely fasten a collapsible backwash hose to the filter and roll it up whenever it is not in use. This is usually enough to stop any leaking.
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