Finding The Pool Size

by Mari
(Omaha, Ne)

I was given an Asahi above ground swimming pool frame. My problem is I am not sure the size of the pool and I have no liner for this pool. However, I do have the model number I believe, Number 037791. Any information you can provide on this pool would be a god sent.

Hi Mari

The best thing to do when you have an above ground pool and you are not sure of the size is to lay out the bottom rails and connect them to the foot plates. You should then take a tape measure and throw it across the pool rails in a few places trying to get it round. This should tell you the size of the pool, like an 18', 24' or maybe a 27' or 30'.

This should get you pretty close to the right size. If it measures 18' you could then use your tape from a center point and see if all your rails will set at 9'. This is a good way to double check.

connecting rails and making pool round

You would use a similar technique with an oval pool but you would not be able to bury the side braces yet, just lay them out approximately like you think they should go and then lay out the ends. You could then measure side to side and end to end.

With round pools I would go ahead and lay out all the rest of the parts and possibly even assemble them to give it sort of a dry run. This way you will be sure you have all the parts so if something needs ordered you can do so before the actual installation day.

Most liners will fit either a 48" or a 52" wall but it would not hurt to measure that also just to be sure. There are a few 54" walls out there and you want to make sure the liner is tall enough.

This page might help also. Above Ground Pool Parts

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