Fix Pool Now or Later

by Etienne
(Quebec, Canada)

Pool Footplate Broken

Pool Footplate Broken

The pool is a 27' and about 10 years old.

We had a difficult winter in Quebec and the pool is damaged. The wall came off the bottom tracks as shown in the picture.

The wall is off the bottom tracks on 3 wall sections. The one on the picture is the worst.

All other sections of the pool are in perfect shape. I was wondering if it would be safe to wait at the end of summer, where I would empty the pool, and make a repair if possible.


Hi Etienne.

It mostly depends on the condition of the cove inside the pool. If there is cove damage, and it looks like the liner could get under the edge of the exposed wall, I would drain the pool ASAP.

If the cove is intact, and the liner has no chance of coming into contact with the wall, it might be fine to leave it for the summer.

You could pound long sections of 1/2" rebar behind the uprights to hold them in place and give the wall a little more support. That might be all the pool needs to make it through the summer.

Do take a very close look at it and use your best judgment. You don't want the pool exploding while it's full of swimmers. That's never a good thing.

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May 07, 2011
No cove damage
by: Anonymous

Hi !

Thanks for the quick response. There is no cove damage as far as I can tell, I will investigate thoroughly very soon.

I have read your FAQ section on how set the wall back in the bottom rail. Next summer, the pool should be just like new !

Thanks, Etienne.

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