Foam Insulation Board For Base

by Massimo
(Londonderry NH)

Hi,I am doing my first agp install. My yard had a huge slope, so I cut from the low side across and built a 4 ft retaining wall to hold the dirt back. I am now getting the ground level to ready the pool install.

Between the digging and retaining wall, the project has consumed many weekends.

I was thinking of using 1" Polystyrene foam board for the base directly over the dirt that I am leveling, instead of a sand base. I will then use the foam cove around the edges. The reason I am thinking of this route is I feel the install will be quicker and less hassle (smoothing, leveling sand and making sure there are no prints left behind).

I feel the foam cove will also prevent any erosion and together they will reduce the moisture that will come in contact with the pool walls and also provide insulation from the ground. Not to mention a really flat smooth surface to walk on.

Do you have any tips or advice to give? Should I also order the foam wall kit? I don't think the foam wall kit will really be needed. What do you think?

Hi Massimo

The only problem you will have using foam on an oval pool will be the pressure plates. These raise up above ground level and present problems for the foam base. If you can find a way of dealing with that it's pretty easy.

On my 15 x 30 pool I used 20' sections of an old side wall in place of the pressure plates. This gave me a flat surface to lay the foam sheets. It worked out great. But you can't just eliminate the pressure plates, they are very important.

Wall foam will help to protect the wall from rust and also extend your swimming season a little, not a bad idea but not a necessity. Definitely use the foam cove, it works great with a foam base.

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Aug 27, 2013
Pressure plates
by: Massimo

My pool is actually an older Sharkline model. It has six side buttress posts and at the bottom it has 'L' shaped plates that screw up against the side posts and wrap under the pool wall and lie completely flat on the ground. So I will not have the problem with the pressure plates.

I also decided to go with the 1" XPS instead of the EPS. It seems the XPS wont compress as much the EPS.

Hi Massimo I remember that pool, a perfect oval pool to do a foam base. Keep your dirt as smooth as possible before the foam, even if that means adding a little sand here and there. Or possible using a tamper. Make it as smooth as possible before the foam. Best of luck.

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