Foot Plates

by Tom Keller
(Olmsted Township, OH)

I need to move an above ground pool that came with our recent house purchase so that a tree can be removed from the property. Upon completing the removal, I notice that many of the foot plates are rusted and are in need of replacement.

The number stamped on the plate is 2173. I don't know what store the pool was purchased at, and the prior owner has no knowledge either as it was there when he purchased the home too.

Do you have any idea on how to find this plate so that the integrity of the pool is not compromised when I re-install?

All other pieces appear to be in good shape and rust free.

I've check 4 local pool store in my area, none recognizes the plate. The plate is roughly 4" x 6".

thanks, Tom Keller

Hi Tom.

I think what you might be looking for is at the Asahi Parts Store and the link can be found on this page.

Parts For Above Ground Pools

It is listed under joints in the store. If it is not exactly the same you may be able to adapt it. I have seen people take above ground pool footplates into a local sheet metal shop and have some fairly decent replacements made.

The job of the footplate is to hold the rails together long enough to get the sidewall up. After that they serve as something to attach the uprights to. There is no major integrity issue involved. They can be extremely rusted and still serve their purpose.

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Jun 06, 2011
Me Too!!
by: Pam

I was wondering if you ever found these because I'm looking for the exact same ones, number 2173 and all. Please let me know if it's no trouble, Thanks!!

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