Ground Prep For a 27' Pool

by Fletch
(Bancroft, Ontario, Canada)

I am almost positive, that I made and error in preparing the ground for my 27' Above ground pool.

The Initial Hole was dug too deep, and then filled back in (Almost 2' in some sections) ... The ground is mostly sand or sandy soil.

The good news is there are no rocks, and dead level!

What is the best plan of action for me ... I have about 2 weeks before my liner comes in... Right now I am pouring the water right to it in hopes that this will help pack the ground.

Any thoughts?

I would like to take this time and thank you for this great site, and taking the time for Rookies like myself!

Regards, Fletch

Hi Fletch. Patio blocks can be used to support the pool in sandy type soil. I would at least use them under each upright. If you really feel the soil is not firm and packed, you could set the entire frame on blocks.

blocks for above ground pool

The more support you give the pool the better.

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Jun 17, 2009
by: Anonymous

Thanks for the response!

I was going to do the Patio Blocks anyway (Under the Uprights) ... I would have never thought about around the pool.

Do I need to worry about the weight of the water pulling the Liner From the Walls should it settle near the center (Or anywhere inside the pool for that matter)?


Hi. Once you have watered and packed the ground you should not have any problems. Sandy soil actually packs very nicely, as far as downward pressure goes. The problem with sand is the shifting and washing out. Adding the blocks around the entire perimeter of the pool assures you the sand will stay under the pool and not push out or wash out.

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