by Joe
(New Jersey)
Filter Not Cleaning Pool
I have a 21ft round above ground pool. I usually open it myself but this year I had a pool company do it. When the filter was turned on it began leaking at the top. They told me it was probably cracked. DE shot out into the pool. It was a Hayward DE filter.
They told me I had to replace it. The store owner sold me a C500 cartridge filter. The pool will not come clear, the filter runs for about an hour and the pressure gradually drops. When I try to vacuum the pressure drops. I clean the filter about four times a day. What is going on?
I'm not real sure what you mean by pressure dropping. When a filter is getting clogged with dirt the pressure rises. This is an indication the filter needs cleaning.
For water clarity problem I recommend running the filter non stop until the water is clear again. Most water problems are because the filter is not being run enough, the hotter it is the more the filter needs to run.
I have an old Hayward Perflex DE filter. I noticed last year that fine white particles are entering the pool and accumulating on the bottom. I cleaned the rods before using it again this year but am getting the same problem. What can I do?
I had one of those and loved it. You either have a hole in one of the rods or a gasket, or seal, needs replacing.
I have an above ground pool 16' x 48" and I upgraded the pump that came with the pool to a sand filter pump, and with this new pump filter, we do not have to use the cartridge filter.
My question is, do we still attach the wall skimmer that came with the pool and connects to the pump, or do we just use the new pump and strainer basket that sets away from the pool?
The reason I ask is because all the pictures and videos that are for use with the 14" sand filter pump do not show the over the wall strainer skimmer basket that attaches to the pool.
I can't figure out then what would catch the big bugs and leaves if I don't use the skimmer, as the strainer outlet holes are way too small for that kind of debris. I thought cleaning was suppose to be easier or almost maintenance free with a sand filter pump. Any ideas what I should do?
Yes, you should still use the pool skimmer. A hose over the wall, without the skimmer, would be fine for cleaning the water, but you would have nothing for skimming the top of the water.
by Joyce
I have a Hayward pump which has worked fine for two years. I bought and tried to use a new 550 cartridge, but the hose, returning the water at the pool, shoots off no matter how tight I make the connection.
Hi Joyce.
Here are a few things to try. You could use an extra hose clamp. You could try a different hose or possibly even change the fittings. If nothing works you could convert to PVC pipe and never worry about it again.
by Russ
I have a waterway pool filter that is sucking air. I have already replaced the O-ring on the strainer cover and the gasket between the pump and the tank. Can you give me any more ideas.
Hi Russ.
Most, but not all, air leaks can be seen when the filter is not running. You should see water dripping somewhere in the system. Hoses and hose connection are a good place to look for air leaks. Fittings are another likely spot.
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