Help With Pool Parts

by Terry
(Big Sandy, TN)

Outback Above Ground Pool

Looking to purchase top rails for Barrier Reef 24 foot pool. Changed to salt a few years ago and they are rusted. Anyone use resin top rails?

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Older Pool Parts

by Julie
(Stillman Valley, IL)

Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Pool

Looking for top rails to replace rusty ones. Purchased the pool in late 1980's. Just replaced the liner 2 years ago and we have a big deck that comes up to the pool so would be expensive to replace the entire pool. Everything else is great but the walk around is dropping rust into the pool and is getting sharp on the edges. Afraid the grand kids will get cut. We thought this pool was a Doughboy but they say it isn't theirs. Thinking that it is a Lomart pool. Also have some paperwork that has Suncoast on it. Any suggestions as to wear I should go from here?

Hi Julie. The pool is a Home and Rome. I know the pool well, I installed thousands of them. I don't think parts for them are made anymore, but maybe someone here can help you find some.

Comments for Older Pool Parts

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Aug 09, 2014
Island Recreational Pools
by: Anonymous

I have this same pool. Bought it at Island Recreational in 1987. Still up with new liner this yr.

Feb 09, 2016
Looking for parts top caps
by: Felix

I got a pool from leslies back in 2002 it's a 18 rnd omega above ground pool I am looking for the top cap. And a filter camp for a de 2420

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Oval Pool Parts

by Trish

I have an above ground 41' x 21' oval pool, I believe it's a Cool Pool if my memory serves me right.

I have had the pool for 6 years and noticed last year I was getting little pieces of rusted metal on the bottom. This year, opening the pool, I found tons of rusted metal. Almost all the top rails are rusted pretty bad.

I called the pool place where I purchased it and was told it would be easier for me to locate parts, yeah right, easier said then done. I am looking for 22 4'9" 9" wide top rails, the steel coping all curved that hold the liner and 10 plastic pieces that snap on. I have not allowed anyone to enter the pool for fear the liner will rip. any help would be so appreciated. If pics are needed I can take some.

Thank you

Hi Trish.

The only pool I know of with that dimension is a Doughbly. All the parts you need can be ordered by any Doughboy dealer.

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Tidewater 24 ft Royal Oak Top Seats

by Duke burns
(mokena illinois)

Where can I buy top seats and seat covers and caps for a Tidewater model Royal Oak 24 ft pool purchased in 1995? The seats and covers are Ivory? I would also like to be able to buy some of the Ivory paint. The seats are 6" in diameter and approx 54" long as measure assembled with the seats installed. Reply to Duke.

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Replacing Base Plates

by Peggy Hernandez
(Von Ormy, TX. USA)

We purchased an 18' Atlantic pool by jacuzzi about ten years ago. We are relocating the pool and need to replace the base plates there about 12 rails. Where can we locate these base plates for purchase?

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Top Plate for an Omega Above Ground Pool

by Adam Lavertue
(Dracut, ma)

I bought this pool from Leslie's about 9 yrs ago. I changed one of the uprights and have miss placed the top plate. I believe the pool is a Cornelius Omega 16x32 oval. It accepts three screws into this plate for the upright. Any ideas where I can get this piece?

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Pool Caps for Hayward Pool

by Tim Harris

I have an above ground 27' round Hayward pool approximately 20 years old. I am looking for replacement caps that cover the ends of the 6'top rails with no luck. My caps are 1" on the inside end and 1.5" on the outside, and plastic hooks that hold the edge of the top rail. Is it possible to find this part or should I try to have them made somewhere?

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Plastic Upright Cap

by Matt
(Rochester in )

Upright Cap

Upright Cap

I am looking for the plastic upright caps.

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Replacement Top Caps and Rails for a Namco Pool

by Brian Smith
(Pompton Plains NJ, US)

Namco Pool Top Rail

Namco Pool Top Rail

I’m try to find replacement top caps a Top rails for a Namco oval 30 x 15 purchased in 2008.

Thank you

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Legacy Pool Part

by Melba Gradney
(Dayton, Tx)

Legacy Pool Part Needed

Legacy Pool Part Needed

I purchased a Legacy above ground rectangle pool (17 x 29 x 52) in 2009.

The pool is still in good shape but, I am unable to locate the small caps I need to attach the legs of the pool to the top ring of the pool.

I am sending you pictures of what the pool looks like, the part that I need and how that part fits into the leg.

I am hoping that you can help me locate this part.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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