How To Keep Winter Cover On AGP
by Crissie
(Enid, Oklahoma)
We live on the windy great plains of Oklahoma. Our pool cover blows up like a parachute over the pool. The cover is fastened down with the metal cable and winch tightening device as tight as it will go.
We have tried the pool cover clips but the wind pulls them off. We have also tried to tie milk jugs to the grommets in the cover to weight it down and the wind still blows underneath. We put water on top of the cover to hold it in place but the wind still gets under and blows it off. We have 2 of the 3 pillows still under the cover but learned they had to be tied down too.
Do you have a solution to this problem? I found this question asked in several forums but there were no replies or suggestions given. Help, please.
Hi Crissie
Aside from putting a tall fence around the pool I would have no idea. I thought the pool cover winch would keep a cover on during the strongest winds. I've never had that problem anyway. Guess I have never lived where the wind really blows. Hopefully someone who has mastered this problem will use the comments button and share with all of us. I'm sure you are not the only one with windy day pool cover problems.
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