Identify Pool Bottom & Top Rail Parts

by Mark
(Charlotte NC)

24 foot round parts

24 foot round parts

I bought 24 foot round above ground used pool (originally purchased around 1998)

Need to identify mfg and model so I can get replacement bottom & top rails. Purchased at Rec Warhouse in Charlotte, NC.

Does anyone recognize these parts?

Signed, hopefull in Charlotte NC

Hi Mark.

I have built enough of these pools over the years I should know just what it is, but I don't. I'll do some checking around and see what I can find. In the meantime maybe someone else can tell us.

Comments for Identify Pool Bottom & Top Rail Parts

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Jul 24, 2010
I have the same pool.
by: Anonymous

Hi! I have the same pool, ( also bought it used ) and we are missing some of the plates. If you found out where to get the parts I would appreciate it very much.

Apr 14, 2011
top and bottom rails

I have another used purchased pool with these same parts but depending on your lengths can tell your brand. Mine is a Paradise Pool but sells them for other brands just not mine. Some people call them top and bottom rims and some people call them something else.

Apr 24, 2011
pool tops and bottoms
by: steve

This looks like the rails to a Lomart pool like I have..24 ft. also. I need the clips that the rails lay on.

Mar 13, 2012
ledge caps
by: Diane

We also have an older pool and are needing the caps that go over where the ledge pieces come together. Any ideas where to get these?

Mar 15, 2012
Satisfied in NC
by: Mark

This is the original poster:

I found the parts dealer in Canada. the original mfg of pool was bought out and these guys sell parts now. I ordered parts and all fit up perfectly. Here is info this is a copy of e-mail I got back for pricing (pricing may be more now):

Your pool is called ALPHA by Cornelius manufacturing

The top and bottom tracks are 6.74 each (needs 16 for top, 16 for bottom)

Plastic strips are: 2.25 each (needs 16)

Steel plates: 5.62 each (needs 16 for top, 16 for bottom)

NOTE: if your pool needs 17 of each, it means that your pool is more then 10 years old, and there is one more section then new standard pool, be carefull)

We do have all the parts available for this pool

shipping delay: 7 working days

Courrier: FEDEX

We accept Visa and master card

we accept email or phone orders

1-800-448-7384 ext: 2918

Best regards, Andre Fauvel

Trevi Fabrication

12775 Brault

Mirabel, QC, Canada, J7J-0C4
Fax: 1-450-973-6400

Jun 13, 2012
I am running into the same problem
by: Bobby Smith

I just got me a hand me down pool for the back yard but I need to replace a couple of the lower stabilizer rings. However I have been trying to contact the company that was entered in the previous post but I can't seem to get a hold of anyone at the included number. Can anyone help me, I am one of them with the 17 piece ring.

Jun 14, 2012
finding parts for your pool
by: Mark In NC

I sent the guy I bought parts from in the past an e-mail and got the following reply (you should be able to hook up with them by e-mail) GOOD LUCK:

I now work in the inground pool department.

The new guy is named Olivier Mallette his email is He is in peak season, a delay may occurs.

I include the Alpha pool instructions in attached file, to allow you to indicate with parts you need.

Best regards

André Fauvel,

Commis aux ventes Piscines creusées / Spas
Spas / inground pools sale department
Trevi Fabrication inc.

12775, rue Brault, Mirabel, J7J 0C4
Bur / Office: 1-800-44TREVI (1-800-448-7384) poste / Ext: 2917
Fax: 1-866-777-0167

Jun 19, 2012
Leasure Bay..Bought mine in Greensboro Store.
by: KP

Rec Warehouse sold the Leasure Bay Line.Which was there top of the line..I have a 24 ft.Purchased in 1999.Top Rail's&everything in the picture look's like mine..I have been trying to find the plastic cap's the go over the rail bolt's. Not having much luck.

Jun 20, 2012
Original poster of pictures
by: Mark In NC

If your pool parts match the pictures just e-mail this guy, Olivier Mallette his email is

Ask him for a parts list manual for a ALPHA pool by Cornelius manufacturing.

I ordered my parts from them and they fit perfectly(they bought out the mfg and now supply parts. They are in canada.good luck

Jul 04, 2022
Doughboy 28' above ground pool w/ rusty bottom rail
by: Jay Born

This is a very old post but I must ask. Are there any reasonably priced bottom rail for the above pool that anyone knows of? Inyo pools wants a whopping 40 for a 48 piece putting the whole bottom rail price at around a thousand dollars. C'mon man! I am going to a sheet metal company if I cannot find them online somewhere. Even good used. Lol! Anyway, thanks to you in advance.

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