Identify Pool Manufacturer

by Tom
(Clearwater, FL)

This is the part. Top connector aka seat cover

This is the part. Top connector aka seat cover

I just bought a house in Clearwater FL and it came with an above ground pool. The pool measures approximately 15' X 30' oval. The pool is in good condition, but several of the top connectors or seat covers as they are also known as are missing.

As I am finding out these things are not universal as I thought and no one that I have spoken with in my area knows where I can find them unless I know who mfg the pool.

I am attaching pictures of the part and of my pool.

Can someone please HELP me find these parts. The pool looks like crap without these caps

Thank you, Tom

Hi Tom

The photos came through as a very small file size, it's hard to enlarge them enough to make out much detail. The angles are perfect, just can't get any detail. Feel free to try again with larger images. If it's easier use my contact form to send an email address. I can get back with you for more photos that way.

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Pool Manufacturer

by Mark Mitchell
(Magnolia, DE)



Could you look at my pic and see if you know the manufacturer?

Thanks, Mark

Hi Mark

I will post the name as soon as I remember it. Maybe someone else can beat me to it.

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