by Chip
We had an 18x33 Swim and Play Westminister pool installed last year- 5/2010. The soil base was firm and leveled. This pool has 4 post each side with pressure plates on the inside. Our yard is very slightly sloped with very little surface run off. 7 ton of pool liner sand was installed inside. We back filled the pool 8 inches high with screenings (small stone and stone dust). Sloped it away from the pool and tamped it. This spring we opened the pool and all 8 channels and pressured plates are showing under the liner. The installer with out looking at the pool stated the sand was washed out due to the use of the screenings as backfill. The store where the pool was purchased immediately stated the same thing. What is your opinion?
Hi Chip. I would love to see some detailed photos of this. It is really too bad for you, to have to be in this situation.
I do not understand how the sand could have washed out from under the pool after you backfilled and tamped. That makes no sense. It also makes no sense that this happened on both sides. One side may have washed out for some reason, but not both sides. I think you have a completely different problem.
Holes in the liner are the usual cause of washouts. Are there any holes in the liner? Holes in the liner, on both sides, that would wash out the sand, with the pool backfilled as you describe, makes no sense.
And furthermore, a properly installed pool will stand regardless of what you do with the outside. A preformed cove, or a solid dirt cove, should keep the pool from washing out regardless of what is done around the outside of the pool. It sounds to me like you are being blamed for something that has nothing to do with you.
You need to get the installers and store managers out there to take a look at it. Their over the phone assessment is ridiculous. They need to examine the liner and the installation overall. Something is not right and they should make it right.
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