by Greta Vanlandingham
(Hartford, Ky 42347)
I am installing a beaded liner and need help on what direction the bead receiver goes on the top. Do you slip the liner in it on the inside or outside?
The bead receiver hooks over the top of the pool wall. You might have retaining rods that fit over the receivers or you might not. All of the joints in the receivers need taped to prevent any sharp edges from tearing the liner. I also use the tape to secure each receiver to the wall so that it does not slip off. The lip that holds the liner bead goes on the inside of the pool.
When the liner is opened up, inside the pool, the bead hooks into the receiver, also on the inside of the pool. A beaded liner can be installed without taking the pool top rails off, as long as you already have a receiver in place. This makes them a good choice for pools with decking over the rails.
For more details about installing beaded liners be sure and see this page.
by Nick
I just bought a new beaded liner to replace my old one which is also a beaded, but after installing it it doesn't seem to fit right. It seems like it is to big because there is a lot of excess material left, and yes, it is the same size as my old one which is 15x52.
I've tried and tried to smooth out the excess material but it just seems there is to much. Do you have any ideas of what might be wrong.
My pool is an above ground round 15x52. Could I install the beaded liner as an overlap liner instead?
Hi Nick.
It is not uncommon for beaded liners to be too large for the pool. You have two options. You can work the wrinkles out to be as small as possible or convert to an overlap type installation. I prefer converting to overlap. It will allow you to install the liner without any wrinkles. In most cases all you need to buy are the coping strips. The coping strips go over the liner and the bead receiver goes back on over the coping.
If your liner looks anything like the photo below, I would definitely go overlap.
by Mike
(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)
I'm installing a beaded liner and I have the pool completely empty (quite a job). The walls are exactly 48" high and the bead receiver sits at 47" from the base of the wall.
The sand base is basically right at the bottom of the wall, so I know I need to add a fair amount of sand and build up a cove.
My big concern now is how much do I have to bring up the floor of the pool and how high should the cove be built up? Is there a lot of 'play' in beaded liners? Would you recommend using a peel and stick type cove or is it enough to build it out of sand?
Cheers, Mike
Hi Mike.
There is no way of knowing how the liner is going to fit until you try it. You might add a cove and then wish you had not because the liner is baggy on the sides. I would start with a fairly small cove, about the size of the preformed ones.
If the liner appears to be too small you can always add more. You will get a much better fit if the liner has to stretch a little bit. What you don't want is a liner that is too big for the pool leaving a mess of wrinkles that you can not get out.
by Amber
I have just changed my 30ft round pool liner from jhook to standard beaded liner. The bead receiver that I purchased is plastic while the old receiver is medal.
Will the plastic receiver be enough to keep my pool stable or do I need to put something else on there? I tried putting the medal ones that came off my pool over the plastic and they wouldn't fit.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
Hi Amber.
A metal rod over top of plastic receivers would be nice, and many pools are set up that way, but not essential. Some pools have nothing more than plastic coping holding the liner in place.
As long as the receivers are taped in place securely and don't seem like they want to come off in any way, the pool should be fine. If you feel rods are needed to hold the receiver in place, and they might be, Doughboy rods are fairly universal and should be big enough to fit over the receiver. If the pool is a standard round size any Doughboy dealer would be able to order a set for you.
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