by Nancy Hostetter
(Darlington, Pa )
We recently were given a 15x30 oval Atlantic pool. All we needed was to purchase a new liner which was a Chanel liner.
We have never owned a pool before so we thought we did all our homework and did tons of reading before we purchased a liner from an online store. The liner arrived and we gathered our family and friends together for the install.
Well, then came the problem, when we finally got the liner around the pool we discovered that we had about a 10"-12" gap of extra liner around the Chanel edge so the liner won't hang on the rail.
When I contacted the supplier they tell me it's the right liner, what is wrong with this? And is this the correct liner or is there anyway to fix this, since they won't replace this liner I'm out $300.00. Please someone help me I'm so disappointed and don't know how to fix this problem.
Hi Nancy
I am assuming you are talking about a beaded liner. I have never heard of it revered to as a Chanel liner. The part the bead is inserted into is normally called a bead receiver.
You say you got around the pool and had extra liner, again, that is what I assume you mean. This does happen a lot. It is just as common to get around the pool and be short of liner.
During the summer months the liner will be very pliable and can easily be stretched. During colder months there is very little you can do to stretch the liner.
When this happens, too much liner, the entire liner must be taken out of the groove and you start over. This time you push back on the bead as you are installing it. You try to bunch it up. This may take a few times to get just right, but that is normal. The important thing is that you do it evenly all the way around the pool. You do not bunch up most of the pool only to find you are short and then stretch like crazy the last ten feet or so to make it fit. Do it evenly as many time as it takes to make it fit evenly all the way around.
In colder whether the problem happens in reverse. You get all the way around and find you are short a good twelve inches of liner. You start over, you maybe wait for some sunshine and then you pull the liner as you are putting it in the groove.
With an oval liner be sure you are perfectly lined up at one end. There will be seams somewhere on the bottom that will tell you when the liner is centered. When you get to the opposite end, the seams should again be centered, if not that is a good indicator you are either stretching too much or bunching up too much.
Be sure and read this page, it might be helpful also.
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