Installing Liner Over Wet Sand

by Lilly Lynne
(Pittsburgh, PA)

Foam Base For Pool Liner

Foam Base For Pool Liner

We are replacing a 21' round pool liner. We repaired some minor rust spots, our track is still good as new since initially installing it 10 yrs ago. We did a sand cove and the base is a nice sand base.

This time we decided to buy the styro sticky cove and we laid down 4X8 3/4" styro boards (duct tapped all seams) custom cut and it fits really nice.

Our questions is that we are ready for the cove and the liner, however, it has been raining off and on and this last bout of rain was an unexpected pour.

When you walk in the pool some mushy sand comes up thru the taped seams of the styro. We are planning to take the stryo out and dry it out as we understand that the pool should be dry for the cove.

We did buy a gorilla pad but returned it as we realized that under the sand we initially put down landscaping paper (the heavy type) so, we look to the weather and it's going to rain all week.

Is it okay to put the liner in if the insides of the pool tracks, styro and bottom sand is really wet. We just don't want to wait that long and worried about mold underneath, any suggestions?

Hi Lilly

What a tough spot to be in, and after so much hard work. The entire inside of the pool really does need to be dry. I would wait until the sand has completely dried, or at least almost completely, before fitting the foam back into place and doing the cove.

The entire job will turn out better if you wait out the bad weather. The liner will install much nicer on a warm sunny day also. It's very difficult to get the wrinkles out if you don't have bright overhead sunlight.

Probably not what you wanted to hear but I am being honest.

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May 13, 2011
Installing Liner Over Wet Sand
by: Lilly

Thank you so much for your info, I truly appreciate your honesty...that is what we are looking for "honesty" although, your right it isn't what I wanted to hear lol, but needed to hear it...we are putting it on hold and waiting for a nice sunny day, been raining just so much here in the Burg..It has been a lot of work and just want to do the right thing after all that we put into it. Might you have any other suggestions for us? I thank you so very much and your site is just great!

Hi Lilly

The photo of your foam base looked great. I have no idea how I would improve on that. It will look just as nice the second time I'm sure.

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