Installing Vogue Pool Liner

I have a Vogue Impact 18'X52" pool which requires the J-Hook liner. I had to replace the liner, so I went to the store where I purchased the pool and bought a new liner, which was called a unibead.

I re-leveled the ground, installed new cove and started filling the pool with water, not even full yet, about 4" from the return fitting.

The liner pulled from the top wall rail. I turned the water off and shortly there after the liner pulled away so much from the rails that the water busted out like a river. Any suggestions as to why this may have happened?


There are a couple of reasons for this happening. It is very possible it just needed more sunshine to allow the liner to stretch just a little. If the liner was not quite touching the wall at the base, and there was no sunshine on the liner, and if it was cold, the liner is not going to stretch, not even a little. Installing it again at midday in full sun might make all the difference in the world.

Another common problem is not having the liner centered perfectly. This causes slack on one side and tightness on the other. The bottom seam needs to be in the exact same spot on the cove all the way around.

Installing your Vogue pool liner using the instructions on the beaded liner installation page might help also. Using the vacuum to pull the wall into place helps with the stretching process.

Beaded Liner Installation

Comments for Installing Vogue Pool Liner

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Jun 07, 2012
dont buy a vogue pool
by: Anonymous

We have had problems with this pool for three years and the company will not stand up to there product, we are going to court. We never even got to swim for one whole season.

Mar 11, 2013
No problems here
by: Anonymous

I've had a vogue with a deep end since 2000. no problems with the pool or liner. planning to replace the liner this yr after 12 years of use.

Jul 31, 2017
Vogue Pool liner
by: Lisa

We have had our Vogue Pool since May 2002. We are having trouble finding a replacement liner. We have a 52" wall and 24 ft. diameter. It is a hung liner. Any suggestions? Thank you!

Jun 30, 2018
In need
by: Anonymous

I'm looking for vogue impact pool wall size 21×52" can anybody help!!!

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