We were given an Intex above ground pool. We have no directions to it. We have set it up and turned on the pump.
We hooked all tubes according to directions yet it seems to be pumping backwards. Are we doing something wrong?
It is a little hard to tell without a photo but I would guess the hoses are just hooked up backwards. The suction line at the pool should be connected to either a skimmer or a strainer of some type. That is the hose that connects to the pump. The hose coming out of the filter goes to the pool return. The return could just be the hose going straight into the pool with no fittings or it could be connected to a directional flow fitting of some type.
The pump sucks the water out of the pool and forces it threw the filter and back into the pool. The only way to cross things up is if the pump is sucking water out of the return and forcing it back into the pool through the skimmer.
by Kelly
We recently bought one of the soft side Doughboy pools (14x24) and have been looking for a best pump to fit the pool. What would you suggest for this type of pool?
Hi Kelly.
It really does not matter what kind of above ground pool you have, whether it's soft sided or steel walled, the filtration needs will be the same.
I prefer a two speed pump and a sand filter. This is a good system for just about any above ground pool.
With a two speed pump you can do all of your filtering on the low speed. This sends the water through the media at a slower rate of speed, thus cleaning the water better. It also saves money on your electric bill each month. The high speed is nice to have when you are cleaning the pool. Hand vacuums and some automatic cleaners will work much better with the extra power.
My recommendation to people who by the less expensive above ground pools is to plan on upgrading the filter system and the ladder. These seem to be the two areas that are the most lacking.
The filter systems included with most soft sided pools are far from adequate. If you run them 24/7 you still may not have a clean pool. Since you are looking for a new system, don't replace it with what came with the pool.
Here are a couple of pages that talk about filters and pool pumps.
by John
(Leonard, Michigan)
I have in Intex 12 x 24 above ground pool that came with a small filter whose inlet connection is a square opening near the top on one of the sides. This small pump actually mounts there and the return is through a standard 1 1/4 inch tube connection.
A friend gave us a larger filter that I would need to connect to 1 1/2 round connections for both inlet and outlet. Are there hose fittings that I can add to the pool side? I'm thinking I'd also have to add some vinyl in this area for reinforcement.
Hi John.
There are fittings called Hayward hose adapters that can be attached to your filter for the purpose of hooking up a couple of different size flex hose. If your filter does not have these you may want to look into getting some. It would probably be the easiest way to do the conversion. That way you might be able to use at least one of the pools existing fittings.
The hose adapters have inch and a half threads which is common for most filters. You could also use inch and a half male adapters and use solid PVC pipe up and over the top of the pool, and back down into the water.
If you have inch and a half threaded fitting in all four places the best setup would be PVC male adapters with flexible PVC pipe.
by Donna
My skimmer keeps sinking and then turns over sucking air, which is hard on the pump. Could I have too much water in the pool?
It is to the bottom of the inflatable ring. It is new, we have only had it 2 weeks. Please help.
Hi Donna.
It is probably due to the water level. I would try different levels in the pool and see if that helps. Maybe you will find just the right level. It is also possible the skimmer needs to be more stable than what it is. You could look at that also.
I have had very little experience with inflatable ring pools. If anyone else knows a secret to dealing with these types of skimmers please let us know.
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