Intex Pool Filter Replacement

by Renee

Intex Pool with Cheap Filter

Intex Pool with Cheap Filter

I have a 15 foot round summer escapes pool (blue pool with pvc pipe, just like the Intex pools that are sold at Wal-Mart. This pool only came with the skimmer type filter system attached to the side of the pool.

We have trouble with it not keeping the pool clean, it only skims debris off the top of the water.

Is there any way I can attach a pump to the side of the pool? If so, how do I go about doing this ( step by step instructions) Can I make a hole in the side of the pool? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Renee.

You should not need to put a hole in the side of the pool. The existing ones should work just fine. The skimmer in the photo should also have a filter in it. That's to clean the water. With that small of a pump it's more that likely it would need to run 24/7 in order to keep the pool clean. You might try that first.

To replace the filter and pump with a better system you should be able to by a standard skimmer that would replace the skimmer, filter and pump combo. You would simply lower the water level, replace the skimmer and hook it up to your new pump with a flex hose. The return from the filter would connect to the existing pool return.

It might also be possible to use the existing skimmer if you can adapt a hose adapter to the bottom where the pump is. I'm not sure this is possible, but might be worth checking into.

Comments for Intex Pool Filter Replacement

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Aug 11, 2012
There is an adapter
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have the same style filter on my pool and found this adapter that should work... "GAME 4552 Skim Filter Pump Adapter". You can find them on Amazon for a pretty reasonable price... My only problem is finding a Vacuum fitting that fits the adapter.....

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