by Bill
(Johnstown, PA)
So, my question is: Will my 2400gph Intex sand filter pump work with a Solex above ground pool?
I put up an Intex 18' above ground pool last year just to have the pool...had the ground leveled, etc...but the pump that came with it was useless. So, I purchased an Intex 2400gph sand filter pump.
I got a great deal on it and it worked beautifully. However, now that we are ready to have the "permanent" pool put in this year, I was wondering if I can use that sand filter pump with my new pool I am getting a 21' Solex above ground pool installed.
It saves me a nice amount if the sand filter pump I already have can be used with the new pool. Plus, I know it works wonderfully.
Hi Bill
There should be no reason why you can not use your existing filter with your new pool. The worst that could happen is that you run the filter an extra hour or so a day. If it worked fine on your 18' it will do just fine on your new 21'.
That does not mean there aren't a lot of systems that would do a better job, of course there are. I'm sure you have been told that. But money is money and if you like the system stay with it. You can always upgrade in a few years, or whenever.
As far as the pool size making a difference, not really. Most of the companies I install pools for sell the same filter system no what size the pool is. The same system would go out with a 15' round as would go out with a 28' round.
The most important thing is that you run the filter enough hours a day to keep the pool clean.
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