by Etan
(Buffalo area)
I am trying to locate the aluminum deck that came with this particular pool. The gentleman who gave me his old pool did not buy the optional deck for the end of the pool.
If these are not able to be found I would love some advice on how to support the end properly and build my own composite deck. The gentleman I got mine from tried and had a sinking end.
When I dissasembled the pool the track had slid behind the patio blocks that were supposed to support the wall. What else can I do to reassure that not happening to me. To clarify, I have all the walk around decking. I need the sitting deck that came on the side or on the end. Thanks. -Etan
Hi Etan
I will put a note in your other post about wanting the deck, that might help.
You said the deck was optional which leads me to believe the deck is not a structural part of the pool. Very few decks are. Is it possible it was just a poor installation?
I think the goal for reassembly would be to make sure the deck end is structured and supported the same as the other end. My guess is that a wood deck would work just fine.
I am not a JW expert, having only dealt with a handful of them in my installing days. They were never sold by a pool store in Arizona so the only ones I saw were brought here from back east.
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