by Karen
(Northern Michigan)
Intex Pool Enclosure
We have an Ipool (exercise pool) in our sunroom, so it's out of the elements but does get sunshine. It's a heated pool, but we've discovered the heater is very expensive to run.
We want to find a good way to insulate the pool. We have a solar blanket floating on the water and a vinyl cover over that (that came with the pool). We also wrapped a thick solar blanket around the outside of it before filling it and set it on insulated foam boards, but we're still loosing about 10 degrees of water temp during the night (we live in Northern Michigan and the nights get cold up here).
We're wondering if we could make a better top out of insulated foam board, but aren't sure if we should just place these on the frame of the pool or actually float it in the water to keep the heat in.
If we set it on the frame, would the heat still escape the water and basically sit between the foam board and water, only to be released once the cover was removed? Do you have any suggestions on this?
Also, any ideas on how to insulate the sides of the pool better? This is a soft sided, vinyl pool.
Hi Karen.
I am very impressed with what you have done so far, I'm glad you posted the photo. I think your best bet might be the foam directly on top of the solar blanket. I have never done it so that's just a guess.
The only thing I can think to do that you have not mentioned is adding solar panels. They are supposed to add about ten degrees, which might be just what you need. I would sure look into the various solar options.
Anyone else living up in the cold country with better ideas are welcome to share them.
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