Leveling For An Intex Pool

We built up one side of pool and filled, it looked perfect. The ground has now settled on the opposite side and is down on that side like 4 inches.

My question is, can we try to dig the sand out where we built it up so that it will be close to even, without draining?
Thanks for reading.

Hi. For me that would not be the correct way of dealing with the problem. It will only lead to more problems.

The correct way of doing things would be to drain the pool, take it down, and level the ground.

Using sand to level with is never the right solution. Above ground pools need to be set on firm, level ground. That means hard packed dirt, or something else like crushed granite or crusher run. These can be packed hard and firm.

Sand should be used as a cushion only. When sand is used it needs to be uniform. A couple of inches of sand across the base of a pool is great. Two inches on one side and six on another is not.

You did not say you leveled the area with sand, so I am just assuming. Leveling is the key to building any kind of above ground pool, whether it is an inflatable ring pool, a steel frame soft side pool or a steel wall vinyl lined pool. They all need level, hard packed, ground to sit on.

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Leveling Question

by Brandt
(georgetown, kY)

Hello! I have a small 20 ft x 48 inch above ground pool; the cheap style from Wal-Mart that is constructed with only a frame (no sidewalls). In my area, the bedrock is extremely shallow and leveling is nearly impossible. Is it safe to level only the pool supports and not worry about leveling the entire pool area?


Hi Brandt. The pool really needs to be on solid level ground. Raising the area with dirt or crushed granite, and then packing, is better than installing the pool on unleveled ground.

It may be a small pool but it is still a lot of water to lose into the yard at one time. Leveling is the most important part of pool building. It is worth taking the time to do it right.

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Leveling the Ground on a Slope.

by Sarah
(Asheboro, NC)

We got a 15' x 48" Intex pool for our son. The problem is we have no level ground in our yard! We have started the circle, removed all the sod, and have started trying to level the area. With all the clay we've encountered, we are waiting on a friend with a Bobcat to come help, lol.

The hubs found one method (trying to level the ground) of putting 1 stake at the lowest point, 1 directly across & level a piece of rope attached to both. He got a measurement this way but it seems like it's going to lower the rest of the pool too much.

My question is, other than using the method of a big board spiked in the center, what is the best way to make sure the ground is level?

Hi Sarah. The only way I would attempt to level ground is with a transit. They are just so much more accurate than any other method.

Maybe you bobcat guy has one or else you could rent one. It would be well worth it.

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Leveling An Above Ground Pool After Setting Up The Frame

I just purchased an Intex ultra 16x48 metal frame pool and put it up in the same spot as my ex-boyfriend installed a similar pool last year. I remember that the pool was slightly off on one side by approx. 6" and that he had put cement paver under some of the feet which seemed to do the job.

This year I set up the new one myself and have yet to fill it but it already looks a bit uneven. I don't really have the know how to level off the ground with sand or dirt and can't afford to pay someone to do it. So my question is can I fill it about 6", see where it's uneven and then put the cement pavers under the feet to even it out instead of taking the pool down and leveling the ground since this seemed to do the job last year?

Thank you in advance.

Hi. If the pool is not to far off level using pavers can help. The correct way to level the pool would be to take it down and start with the ground. It is best to do all the leveling with dirt. You can then use a thin even layer of sand to make the bottom softer.

If you are going to add about six inches of water and then check for level be sure to measure from the top of the pool down to the water level. By doing this you will see exactly how far off level the ground is.

The water will always be level. You can lower a tape measure into the pool until the end just touches the water. You would then pick a spot on the top edge of the pool and read the number on the tape. Now do this in several spots around the pool. If you read a six inch difference from one side to the other I would strongly recommend moving the pool and leveling the ground. That is too much leveling to do with just blocks.

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