Liner Has Come Off The Track

by Joyce
(New Jersey)

Our (above ground) pool liner is about 8-10 years old and just recently I noticed that it has pulled off the track in 2 places (about 8").

Should we remove the edging from the pool to try to get it back on the track or leave it on and try to do it that way? I'm afraid it we take it off we'll have problems but hubby says no! Thanks

Hi Joyce

I would not remove the track. The best way of dealing with the problem is to drain some water out of the pool. You can then either wait for direct sunlight or make use of a blow dryer and heat the liner up a little. As it warms up it should stretch back into place.

How much you need to drain the pool is in direct relationship to how warm the liner gets, and how old the liner is. There is no exact formula, but it does work at some point. If not it might be new liner time. You are at that age point where the vinyl will loose it's elasticity, if that is the case there probably is no fix.

Comments for Liner Has Come Off The Track

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Jul 28, 2014
by: Anonymous

We weren't considering removing the track but one of the rim sections that goes around the top edge of the pool. Again this is an above ground pool. Hubby says he can't do it w/o removing the top edging b/c he can't see what he is doing. I'm afraid that's not a good idea. The liner is old. We will try rubbing the liner with a warm cloth to aid in the stretching.


Once the water is drained down a ways you should be OK to remove the top ledge.

Jun 03, 2022
It worked
by: Anonymous

We had the same problem this year I didn't spot the problem until after the pool was filled so I drained the pool back down to winter height about 5 inches below the skimmer waited till the sun was high and used the blow dryer it worked great. Thank you for all the help you give us pool owners.

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