Liner Seams

by Greg Julian

I just installed an expandable liner in my 18x33 pool and it fits great but I just noticed that the seems that are supposed to be on the cove on one side, it is about 1 foot above, and on the other end it is about the same, like the liner is sitting in there crooked.

Do you think it will be OK? The liner was all the same color and I didn't notice it. thanks Greg

Hi Greg.

Getting a good fit, a good smooth wrinkle free installation, is far more important than the placement of the seams. I do like to have the liner centered so the seams are in the same spot all the way around, but where they lay is not important to me. I have seen oval liners cut so wide the seams were up the wall a foot on both sides. I have also seen oval liners cut so short that the seams were a foot from touching the walls at both ends.

It never really matters to me and it will never cause liner damage. The seams will fit different with every liner and it's not that important. If you were to line the seams up exactly on top of the cove all the way around the liner would probably look like a mess, it's just not the proper way to set a liner.

Here is a good example of the proper way to do it.

Expandable Liner Installation

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Jun 01, 2010
by: greg Julian

Thanks, I did install the way your liner install page says, that's how I figured everything out, this is a great help, you made for an easy install.

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