Lomart Pool Winter Freeze Damage

by Marci Hills
(Goffstown, NH, USA)

Lomart Pool Damage

Lomart Pool Damage

We have a three year old Lomart 27' round pool. This past winter (in New Hampshire), huge ice packed in pool. We had a sudden two day spell of 60+ degree weather. The pool sprung a leak (I assume ice shifted, and ripped liner). The pool drained suddenly.

The weight of the ice still stuck tight to the walls made a small buckle near the bottom of the wall around nearly the entire perimeter. My question: Should we remove the wall and straighten the buckle, or leave well enough alone, and just install a new liner?

Hi Marci.

It sounds like you plan to replace the liner. If that's the case I would defiantly repair the wall. You may want to leave it installed and work your way around the pool with a mallet on one side and a piece of lumber on the other. This method would get the bend out.

Removing the wall and laying it out flat on concrete would work also. I have flattened wall both ways.

It's not uncommon for a dent like yours to come back once the pool is full. You may want to consider reinforcing the bottom of the wall with a 2' wide coil of flat stock metal. This type of material can be purchased at hardware stores.

You would install it from inside the pool, up next to the wall and into the bottom rail. Tape the top to the wall with a double layer of duct tape and the wall should be just about as good as new.

You may find that the liner can be fixed with a patch or two. In this case do not leave the pool empty. Repair the wall and the liner and get water back into ASAP. Liners shrink when they are empty and the liner will become unusable quickly.

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