Lomart Regency Pools

A Quality Pool By Lomart

Lomart Regency Pools

Lomart is a sister company to Doughboy and they manufacture pools with the same high standard of quality.  The pools by these two brands are so similar in some ways they can be hard to tell apart.

The Lomart Regency is as good as anything Doughboy ever made, well actually, they are almost identical.  The Regency pool has changed names, as pools do every few years.  The current lineup of Lomart pools are the Seville, Grey Mist, Deluxe Summer Serenade, Whispering Wind Two and the Silver Sierra.

Lomart pools have all the quality and features of a Doughboy pool for a little less money.  Structurally there is very little difference.

Having installed hundreds, probably thousands, of Lomart pools I can honestly say they are one of the best pools on the market.

These are the Montessa and the Verona, also part of the Lomart line of pools.  It would be hard to find a better value on the internet.  The quality is there and the prices are the best you will find.  The 25 year warranty, or the thirty year, make them everything you could want in an above ground pool.

Lomart Montessa


Lomart Verona


To find these pools online and ready to ship you need to go to Pool Supply World.

I recently found this Lomart pool on Amazon in the 16' round and 12' round sizes. Lomart Above Ground Pool  (#ad)


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