by Kim Stephens
(Ravenna Ohio )
Bottom Plates for Older Above Ground Pool
Looking for bottom plates for a 24 above round pool.
Hi Kim.
These pages might be of help.
Comments for Looking for Above Ground Pool Parts
I need top caps for a 24' round lighthouse pool.
Need Top Seat & Seat Clamp
by: Barbara Davis
I purchased a Hayward pool in 1995.I am wanting to purchase the top seats and caps for a 15 inch above ground pool.Where can i find them.
by Amy
(Hauppauge, NY)
I have a 6 year old above ground pool - 24" round Ultima. The top rails are rusted and need to be replaced. Unfortunately the place where this pool was purchased in no longer in business so am unable to check on whether or not this is a warranty item.
Do you know where I can purchase replacement top rails for this pool either on line or in person (I live in Long Island, NY)? Also do you have contact information for the pool manufacturer?
Any help you can give me would be most appreciated - thank you!
by Marsha
Pool Bottom Rail
Hi,I am looking for bottom rails for a 24' pool. I've found several but don't know if they will work.I am adding pics of my part................Thank you, Marsha
Bottom Tracks For Pool
by: Anonymous
Please contact this company.
I ordered them from
by Cheryl
We bought a used pool and the bottom rails were rusted. We had put the pool up but we were not able to put the liner in and fill it due to rain.
We then had a wind storm that took out the pool and bent the bottom rails. We want to buy new ones but are being told they are not available any more. What can we substitute for them? Are they necessary to keep the pool up, or could we use pavers to rest the sheet metal on?
Hi Cheryl.
They are very important. Take a look around this site and you will find different options for finding above ground pool parts.
by Gina Speiser
(Carlyle, Illinois)
We have a second hand pool that has been in our possession for the past 8 years. Our lovable Labrador retrievers have literally pulled the accessible top caps from around the sides and have chewed them to pieces!
We are currently trying to find replacements...the tops are grey plastic pieces that join the metal sides and the side covers are grey with the phase "Cantar Summer Fun Above Ground Pools". I have had no luck finding an item number to help locate these parts. We need 11 pieces to repair all exposed edges! The remainder are protected by our pool deck.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
by Silvia Christen
(Hopewell Junction, NY 12533)
Allegro Top Caps
I am looking for replacement caps for our pool. I don't have the purchase papers anymore, but through research I fought out we might have an Allegro Pool, and the caps are called Opus Panama. Attached is a picture of one of our caps.
Do you sell that part, and how much would 19 of them cost?
Thank you for your time.
Silvia Christen
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