Looking For Sears Pool Manual

by Frank

I have an old pool from Sears, model 71-38302 Rega (Atlantic). I am missing installation manual sections 3 and 4, manual #1920294. I tried Sears and Atlantic. #2. In some spots I have a lot of rocks, the more I take out the more I find and it's starting to leave big holes.

Hi Frank. Most of the manuals you get online are about the same so I am not sure what it is you need in the manual. I assume the pool is already up. This page has a few generic type sources for pool instructions.

Above Ground Pool Directions

If you have a specific question you can always post it here. I am very familiar with all the different Muskin pools.

Pertaining to your second question, I assume you are installing a new liner in your pool. If so, it is a real good idea to remove all the rocks you possibly can. This may mean bringing more sand to smooth the bottom out but it will be more than worth the extra time spent on it.

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Jul 15, 2011
muskin pool parts
by: Anonymous

I have a new, in box,12ft round, Muskin pool from 12 years ago but it is missing the in-wall fittings for the filter. I called the company that's selling the Muskin parts but they need a parts number to see if they have the part.

Can anyone tell me what that part no. might be or direct me to a place that might sell the fitting that would work on this pool. thanks

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