Loose Liner At Top

by Paul
(Anniston AL)

My pool is basically full and apparently I did not pull all the slack out when putting on the coping strips. The side that is in direct sun is loose at the top. Is there any way to remove the rails with pool full and stretch just the top few inches of the liner?

Hi Paul.

This happens sometimes and it is pretty easy to fix it. The pool will not collapse if you remove a few top rails. Most of the time, this is what you need to do.

I have, on occasion, been able to tighten a liner with out removing rails. Try reaching up under the rails and pulling on the liner. You can usually get a little bit of tightening done this way, sometimes it is just enough.

If you need to take the rails off there is a good chance the wall will push out just a touch. When the liner is redone and the top rails are going back on you may have a problem connecting the last rail. Most of the time, I have been able to use a different set of holes, to make the connection. Most rails have multiple holes for the different size pools. If that is the case using different holes would be the easy way of reattaching the rails.

If you must, or choose, to use the same holes just have some strong buddies on hand. I don't remember a time when three or four people pushing on the uprights could not narrow the gap enough to set the screws in the original holes.

So yes, it can be a job, but again yes, it is well worth the effort to get the slack out of the liner. The liner will look better and last longer, so go for it.

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Jul 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks had read a couple of places that said the pool would collapse if it was full and you pulled rails and top ring. I used your method of installing an overlap liner and it has no wrinkles anywhere, just did not pull out enough slack for the top. I used foam as a base with carpet underneath as we had just had carpet replaced that same day, it is like walking on a sponge!! You can see a few of the seams but not bad at all.


Glad to hear it is working out. Timing when tucking a liner is everything. I pull the liner up snug when the water is about three inches from the sidewall. Once the water touches the wall it becomes impossible to get it tight enough.

You should really like the base, I know I liked my foam pool base.

Jul 08, 2011
by: Anonymous

I guess that is where I messed up I waited till water was over the cove to tuck coping strips. It is tight on the shady side but the side where the sun was on it is loose will pull rails and tighten up just hope it doesn't fall in lol.

Use cloths pins to help hold it in place.

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