Installing a 48" pool to meet NYS 48" code requirement

by Mike
(New York)

Hello, I am looking to install a 48" pool myself. I took it down no problem and have all the instructions and photos I need.

My question is this... the New York State code requires the pool walls to be 48" from top of pool to grade or you have to have a fence all the way around it.

I believe I can achieve this however none of the pool will be in the ground. It will all be on grade. Is this okay? Can I set the entire bottom track on landscape wall block to keep it at grade?

Hi Mike.

This would not be a problem as long as all the blocks were level. Be sure to use a transit on them and make sure they are butt up together all the way around.

The inside grade should then be leveled with dirt before you bring in the sand base.

blocks for above ground pool

Something else I would do is use the preformed pool cove around the outer edge. This will keep there from being a possibility of sand or dirt slipping through the cracks of the bricks.

Pool Cove and Foam Pads

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Fencing for Above Ground Pool

by Delilah
(Archdale, NC)

I have a 24ft. round above ground pool, the city informed me I have to fence it in or take it down. How much fence would I need to do this? It has to be 4ft. high and no spaces more than 4in. wide, and a self closing gate.

Hi Delilah.

The fencing on this page will usually pass city codes, Safety Fence. It attaches directly to the pool making it more than four foot high. This would probably be less expensive than chain link fence.

fencing for above ground pool

For the chain link fence, or pool fence, you will probably want to hire a contractor. Both types of fence are sold at any Home Depot if you wanted to do it yourself.

The amount of fence you need would depend on several factors. Many times the fence will just be one or two straight lengths. Meaning if you pool is in a corner up against a side fence and a back fence then you are just going to need two more lengths to finish the enclosure. If you have nothing to work off of then you will need four sections to make a big square, or possibly a circle shape to match the pool. If you go with a circle then you will need to know how much room you want between the pool and the fence.

There are many things to consider with a pool fence and if you are not sure getting estimates and ideas from different contractors is probably the best thing.

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