by Kristy
(Warrenton, VA)
Hello, I found what seemed to be a great deal on an above ground pool. We got to the residence to take the pool down and as we got to the end we realized the tracking and the long rectangular straps that are under the pool for support were no longer any good. The pool is a 15' x 30' oval. I can't figure out where to start to try and put this pool back up in my yard.
The summer is flying by and I really would like to enjoy it. One problem being that I don't know the brand of the pool and everyone I have spoken to says there are no replacement parts of this kind. Any advice?
Hi Kristy
If you are just looking for strapping material to connect the side braces I have gone to Home Depot and bought rolls of metal strapping used in home construction and used that. You have to drill holes at each end and bolt it to the braces but it works.
These pages might be of help also.
Comments for Metal Straps on Used Pools
by JD Gaudette
I am looking for two side support pool straps for a 18x38 above ground pool. I do not know the make. I bought it used and the person I bought it from does not know. I have searched everywhere. Do you know of a place that might have them. Thank you JD Gaudette
There are two sources of strapping material that I have used many times. At Home Depot you can buy 50' rolls of strapping material they use in home building. It is a little thinner than many of the different pool straps but it works just fine. You use tin snips and cut it to length, drill about six holes in each end and bolt it to your brace assembly.
The second places I have bought strapping material are mobile home supply stores. They use a heavy strapping material to wrap around the frame of mobile homes when they anchor them to the ground. The material comes in very large rolls but the company selling the stuff should be able to cut it to length for you and just charge you for what you need.
Another option would be to find a pool store with oval pool parts for sale. Many stores have opened boxes that have been robbed of other parts. It would not matter what brand they are, any oval pool straps should work just fine.
by Mary
(Scottdale Pa)
I purchased a 19 year old 18x33 oval pool. While dismantling the pool we discovered rusty broken straps. Can new straps be fabricated?
Hi Mary
I have done this many times. Many of the pools built now give the pool owners the option of going uniform depth or digging out a deep area. In order for a deep area to be dug on an oval pool the straps need to be eliminated and replaced with a concrete block set up to keep the sides from pushing out. They look something like the one on this page.
Many times when I was building these pools for a customer that just wanted a uniform depth pool I would connect the sides with strap material, as opposed to all the extra digging for the large building blocks. When straps are used patio pavers are just fine under the backs of the braces, much easier than two 8 x 8 x 16 blocks.
I would go to Home Depot, in the building supply section, and buy 50 foot rolls of construction strapping material. It is used in home building and worked out perfect for connecting the side braces of an above ground pool.
I used heavy duty self tapping screws to connect the strapping material to the brace channels. I never had a problem doing it this way.
by Karen
We just reinforced the wall with aluminum and replaced the liner. We had the wall straightened last year on an approximately 16 yr old Muskin 30x15x4 pool.
We filled the pool yesterday and one of the bottom straps broke (rotted).
Is there a way to reinforce supports without taking pool apart?
Hi Karen
I know how to replace the strap but not without draining the pool.
Home depot sells a strapping material used in home construction. It is perfect for replacing the straps on above ground pools.
You would need to drain the pool, pull the liner back, make the repairs and refill as fast as possible.
You just don't want the liner sitting empty for any length of time. You need to drain, fix, and refill as soon as possible.
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