Missouri Awning

Having spent a few years in Missouri I became very aware of all the different shade solutions that are used.

Missouri Awning
This entire building, in downtown Houston Missouri, will get a complete rehab.  We are starting with the front awning.  The old rotted fascia has been removed and new fascia, painted with primer, has been installed.  A metal fascia cap will be installed over the wood Fascia.  The fascia cap has been painted to match the color of the awning framework.  The old posts and frame pieces are being replaced or just scraped and repainted depending on their condition.


Awning Fascia
We will be going over the top of the roof with metal roofing panels.  The finished product will be a big improvement over the old falling apart mess we walked into.


Old Wood Awning Underside
This is the underside of a basic wood awning.  It is just 2" x 8" rafters over a beam with plywood on top.  The entire underside will receive a new coat of paint after some much needed scraping.


Missouri has an interesting mix of shade solutions.  Living shade is used extensively throughout the state.  The big shade trees are everywhere.  There is still the need for awnings for protection from the sun and the elements like rain and snow.  Below are a few examples of Missouri awnings.

wood awning with metal roof


porch awning in Missouri


carport in Missouri


Old Wood Awning


top of Missouri Awning