by Jamie Fletcher
(Alliance, Ohio, Stark)
Bottom Rails For 15' x 30' Pool
I have an above ground pool, it's 15x30 and I need bottom rails(track)! I can't find then anywhere, the company pool was bought and is no longer there!
Hi Jamie.
I'm afraid you will not get much help unless we have a brand name, or possibly photos, to work from. There are a ton of 15 x 30 above ground pools and they would all use a different bottom rail.
Comments for Need Pool Parts
by Sharon
I have a classic 52" round above ground pool that I bought 9 years ago from Globle Sun Pools. I need to replace a couple of the uprights because they have rusted out on the bottom. Can you tell me where I can buy these?
by Sherri
I have a 27x52 above ground pool. I need the uprights, the model number is #15613. Do you know where I can find these? I have no owners manual. I have been told its a Southwind or a Riverbrook pool.
by Mike P
(Hopkinton MA)
Pool Parts
I have a 27' x 52" second hand pool that I would like to put up. The bottom rails are in pretty good shape as well as the support pieces that the rails slide into but there are 3 that are totally rotted. I can not figure out where to buy replacement pieces nor can I figure out what kind of pool it is.
Can you help?
by Michelle Edmonds
I have a Sandstone 6500 series pool and I need to get some parts for it. Steel Base Plates, position seat clamp, and clamp base. Please let me know where I can find these.
Thank you, Michelle Edmonds
by Brian Bilthus
(Naperville, Illinois)
Artesian Seville
I am looking for these replacement parts.
Wilbar Bottom Connector
Where can I get this piece for my above ground pool?
Hi It's for a Wilbar pool currently being sold at the pool factory, have you tried them for information about parts.
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