Need Pool Top Caps

by Dean Stewart
(Spring Grove, IL)

I have an 11-year-old above ground pool in good shape except the plastic post caps are breaking.

They are a 2-piece cap which hooks over the front edge of the 5-6" rail then screws onto the vertical post.

The 2 pieces have 2 screws to attach the 2 halves and 1 screw at the bottom of the bottom half that screws to the upright post. They have a part number 13348, and say made in USA.

I would need about 25 of these.

Thank You, Dean Stewart

Hi Dean.

I will include a couple links to the only two parts stores I know of. Maybe you will find what you need or something close enough that might work.

Parts for Above Ground Pools

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Parts For Above Ground Pools

Comments for Need Pool Top Caps

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Jul 01, 2009
pool top caps
by: dennis

Aqua Pools in Bedford VA carries part # 13348 and 13637 for $10.99 each.

Jun 08, 2010
Thank you
by: tab2689

I have checked your information and actually it is Aqua Pros in Bedford, Va thanks sooo much for the information. Oh and for those that may need it their phone number is (540) 586-8364.

Jun 11, 2010
aqua pros
by: Anonymous

Aqua Pros in facts carries these top caps. Please call them, they can get as many as you need!!!!

Jun 03, 2011
Caps are not available from AquaPros
by: Patrick

I have worked here @ AquaPros for 12 years and we CAN NOT get the top caps. I have had several people contact us for these and it is a waste of time. Sorry. Happy Hunting.

Jun 03, 2011
Pool Mfg
by: Roger

Does anyone know the name of this pool and who makes it? I am needing the same thing and some bottom rails also. Thanks

Jun 07, 2011
top caps
by: Anonymous

I need these also!! My pool is a Vogue Iliad....plz let me know anyone!!

Jun 10, 2011
hope this helps
by: Anonymous

I found these on
They are the 6" standard and are about $10 total for top and bottom pieces.

Jun 05, 2018
rails and caps replacements
by: Amy Gerkin

I have an Above ground pool 24" round and the rails and caps need replaced they are resin and I'm missing a lot of them (caps). It's a fold over liner! Can I buy any kind of top rail and cap? i don't remember what kind of pool it is! I've had the pool for 15-16 years! please help want to update! I bought new pump and stairs and liner and sand filter!

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