by Tom
(New hampshire)
We had an above ground over the wall liner installed but I notice no coping was used, only the track on top of it. Do I have to remove it all again?
Hi Tom.
There is a type of liner that goes over the wall but does not need coping. It is usually called a j-hook liner, or a hung liner. This type of vinyl liner has a hard plastic bead that hooks directly over the top of the pool wall. The retaining rods are then placed over top of the liner to stabilize the top of the wall.
You can easily tell of this type of liner was used by looking up under the top rail from the outside of the pool. With a j-hook liner you will not see any liner hanging over the wall. You might see a small amount of liner sticking out from under the rods, but it will be uniform in size all the way around the pool.
With an overlap liner you have much more liner visible from outside the pool. It should be very easy to tell the difference. If it is an overlap liner with no coping I would sure fix it.
Retaining rods are usually metal with plenty of sharp edges that could easily cut a vinyl liner. It that's the case I would take it apart ASAP and install the coping.
Some pools use resin retaining rods, these should not pose nearly as much problem for the liner. They probably are not fitting tight enough to hold the liner in place firmly. This you would have to decide yourself. If they are a loose fit over the liner, then I would add the coping. If they are snug, and holding the liner in place firmly, and do not look like they will cut into the liner, it might be alright the way it is.
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