Not Running Pool While Away

by Amy
(Westminster, MD)

I have a 15' x 30', 4ft. deep above ground pool. I am going to be going away on vacation in July for 5 days. I don't want to leave the pool filter running while I am away.

Is there something I can do to keep my pool from growing algae while it is sitting without being filtered for 5 days?


Hi Amy.

Five days is not bad to leave a pool without filtration. I would throw in a couple of bags of vinyl shock treatment the day before. I would run the filter for a couple days straight before I left and make sure my floating chlorinator was full of tabs. Do the exact same thing upon your return and you should be just fine.

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No Filter For a Few Days

by Marc

We are currently trying to ward off Mother Nature long enough to finish installing this headache I call a pool(12x26 EZ Panel installed mostly inground) Did the final grading around it and sowed grass today and I was in the process of getting ready to install the 22" sand filter to the 1 1/2hp pump just before the bottom fell out of the sky.

It's a muddy mess and is supposed to continue this weather trend for at least another 5 - 6 days. We had it filled 4 days ago, did not hook up the filter but did hook up the pump (temporarily to move the water).

I added chemicals today and shocked it with intentions of adjusting hardness tomorrow. Unfortunately, the mud around the pool from the rain soaked backfill is ankle deep and it looks like it will be a few more days before it's dry enough to allow me back in there to finish this project.

Will our water be ok since at least there are chemicals in there and the pump is moving the water, even though it's not running through the filter?

Hi Marc.

The water should be fine. Circulation is the most important part and you have that covered. You may have some dirt settling to the bottom, waiting for you to vacuum out, when the weather clears. But the water itself should be in good shape. If the weather allows, you may want to add more chlorine, as this would help also.

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