by Dan
(Cortland, NY)
Odd Above Ground Pool Top Rail
I have bought a used pool from someone. They had it apart, but all the pieces seem to be there and in good shape. The only problem I am having is that there seems to be one strange section that I can't quite get figured out.
The pool is a 12X24 foot oval. For the most part, there are two different lengths of sections (combination of bottom rail, top and bottom rails) the shorter sections seem to the right number for the straight sides and the curved and longer sections for the rounded ends. The only problem is that I have one section that is in between the other 2 lengths. It seems to be in place of one section of rounded area.
My question is where does this section end up? I imagine it would be used in the very end of the pool, but since there aren't 2 of these to balance each end, I am not entirely sure.
BTW, I can't go to the manufacturer's web site as I don't have the brand of the pool (can't find it on any of the parts) and the previous owner is long gone.
Thanks for your help, Dan
Hi Dan.
It appears to me that the one rail was cut to fit, usually the result of a poor installation where instead of taking the pool down and doing it right they just cut the rail.
The holes in the top rail appear to be different than the rest which is a sure sign it has been modified. That and I have never seen a pool with one top rail different from the rest. Oval pools may have two, three or possibly four different size rails, but there would always be more than one of each.
I would build the pool and hopefully be able to find a way to make the odd rail work. If not maybe you could find a replacement that would be close enough in size.
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