Old Sears Pool Part

by Will

Hello - I've searched and searched but can't come up with the top plate nut (spring nut, cage nut, etc...) It receives the bolt that connects the top plates.

I can post a pic for you if needed. Please let me know where I may find this nut. I've found many "U" nuts but they only connect to one side of a plate. The one I need clips between two plates so it needs a lip on each side. Thanks for any help. Will

Hi Will.

I know all about the old Muskin clip nuts. These pools have been around a long time and I have installed hundreds of replacement liners in them. I always kept a good supply of these nuts in my parts box and we went through a lot of them. When the day came that we ran out, and there were no more to be found, we improvised. You can take a regular nut and hold it in place by squeezing you hand in behind the upright. I remember that being a little painful at times when the pool wall is baking in the Arizona sun on one of those 120 degree days. It's enough to singe the hair off your arms.

Finding a Muskin dealer might also be a way to get these. Sears and Penny's both sold the Muskin pools for many years. They can be found under either the Muskin name or possibly Ovation.

Muskin quit using the clip nuts many years ago and now use an oversized fat screw. I think the slot is smaller than the one you have so these may not work.

Comments for Old Sears Pool Part

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Jun 22, 2009
Thanks for your answer
by: Will

Just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful response. I will call the muskin parts place tomorrow. Worst case, I can try and hold in place a regular nut.

Thanks! Will

Mar 24, 2011
skimmer needed
by: Dale. D

My skimmer has had the return hose area pulled out and broken.

The skimmer is long but is only 7.5 inches wide. This is hard to replace since it also has a vacuum and return circulator included which is part of the skimmer. The vacuum hose attaches and then you put your hand-held vacuum and bottom broom to this The new skimmers will not work because there will not be anything to seal these extra holes. Please help me find this.

I think it is a sears pool. I do not have a parts number.

Hi Dale.

The skimmer you describe is a Muskin. The link above might be able to help you. If you cannot find one you could always tape some sheet metal over the opening, from the inside of the pool. You could then cut a new opening, in a different section of wall. The square Hayward skimmers are the easiest to cut openings for.

May 29, 2012
Sears skimmer
by: Brock

I need a sears skimmer for a pool that is 25 years old part number 098-7357 Adaptor Plate Email me at brockpalmer@centurytel.net

Jun 18, 2023
Muskin pool
by: Linda

I have a 18 foot muskin pool and I'm in need of 4 bottom rails. I don't know where else to look for them I have checked everwhere. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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