Older Doughboy Installed On Concrete Pad

Older Doughboy Pool

Older Doughboy Pool

Hello, We are considering the purchase of a used Doughboy 16 x 32 ft oval pool, the seller refers to it as a Smokey Point model. We would like to install it on a large concrete pad we have in our yard. I've read some of the previous questions on your site that might pertain to us, but our situation may be a bit trickier. Although the pool is 16x32, the pad is roughly 25x13 and as it is an older slab, I'm willing to bet it is not level.

Will it be possible to install the pool over this smaller pad or will that create a structural problem? What would we need to do to the perimeter ground area that is not concrete? Is there a simple fix to get this area pool ready? Do you have any experience with this particular pool?

I'll cross my fingers while waiting for a positive response that won't scare my husband off of the project! :)


First off, yes, I have built hundreds of that model Doughboy. Second, it won't be that easy.

There are side supports on this pool that connect to channels buried in the ground. They extend into the pool about 2' 6" on each side. There is a good chance you would need to saw cut into the concrete a foot or so in eight places on each side of the pool. The cuts would only need to be 4" wide, but they would have to be done.

The ground around the outside of the pool would need to be raised to the highest point on the concrete. Some type of crushed granite or crusher run would be best for this. This area should extend 2 to 3 feet beyond the pool. 2' on the ends and at least 3 on the sides.

Assuming the concrete slab is not too far off level the slope could probably be corrected with the sand you use for the base. The pool must be set level, not level with the existing concrete.

The easiest way would be to have someone come in and remove the slab. That way you would be starting with bare dirt. But anything is possible, it just depends on how you want to do it.

It's a high quality pool, probably worth your time and effort. But probably not if it's a rust bucket. Before you hand over any money be sure to check the inside of the sidewall and the bottom rails. Plan on the cost of a new liner also.

Best of luck with it.

Comments for Older Doughboy Installed On Concrete Pad

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Sep 05, 2015
What model is the pool in this picture?
by: Naomi

Hi Mr. Shadebuilder. You have an excellent website and I thank you for sharing your expertise. I have the 16x32 doughboy you show in this picture (with the blue and gray wood fence imprint on the sides) and wondering if you can tell me the model name and approximate year? My pool has the superwide 8 1/2" top rails and 7" vertical supports. I bought it second hand in 2006 and am disassembling it. I'd like to share that information with someone who might need replacement parts. It is still in excellent shape.

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