by Dave
Hello and thank you in advance for any help offered!
We noticed the gap at these two inner supports (there are 4 on each end) on the ends of the pool after the first year, assumed it was normal being only 1/4" wide. This year we noticed it was very wide at about 7/8" wall edge to center of rail where it should be in the rail.
Question? Is it possible that during installation the pool sides were too far wide causing the radius ends of the pool to come in as pressure was exerted outward on the straight sides of the pool walls. This can be simulated using a piece of paper shaped into an oval and moved outward on the sides.
Here is the pool info: 15x30 Oval AG, 52" Morada IV, resin top rail and foot plates, Hayward 2Hp w/cartridge filter. Installed 2009 summer by professional pool installer with 6000 plus install exp.
Level: The pool looks level, pool winter cover still on, I think water level was with-in 1/2" last year before close-up measuring around the pool using the top rail to the water surface in inches.
Deck: Yes deck is on one side, set on piers buried 4' deep per code, there is room between deck edge and pool edge to allow for expansion if any.
Location: Chicago, this winter was not as cold as previous years, late freeze in Janurary if any.
Deck footing at install time: Yes pavers were used, and only a 1 year install warranty, 5th year waiting to open the pool YTD.
We do have a lot of water that flows through the yard from heavy rains, I built a french drain to divert this water flow which doesn't happen too often and appears to work.
I have sent pictures to the installer who said he has done 6000 plus installs. I do want to get other opinions as to the cause just in case it was a result of faulty installation or he offers no help to remedy this.
Not sure how to determine that though, I just want to find the cause (s), fix it and avoid any big problems. Honestly I think they did a nice job during install, they were recommended by The Great Escape where we bought the pool. But I am not a pool installer, so what do I know!
Thanks again for all help. Summer is approaching "Oh No" need to fix.
Dave in Chicago
Hi Dave
Here is one of the photos you provided.
If I had to make a guess I would say the damage is caused by the water flow through the yard, not by freezes. A hard freeze will raise the footplates and bottom rails causing the wall the kink.
This type of damage usually occurs when the rail sinks, allowing the wall to come out. There is uneven pressure from somewhere causing the gap, but impossible to say why without seeing more of the pool. The rail just sinking would be directly below the wall and easily lifted up and put into place.
Due to the age of the pool I would have a problem blaming the installers, they probably did a good job, but again, impossible to say without seeing the whole pool. Being within a half inch of level is good. Having straight sides with both ends having identical arcs is another sign of a good install. One corner angling different than the other three is a sign something is not right. Posts that lean in or out is another sign, they should all be straight up and down, in all directions. These are a few things to look for.
The bottom rail does little to support the pool so you are probably fine leaving it as is until your next liner change. At that time you could fix it. That is as long as the coving has not been damaged or compromised. If there are no signs of the liner coming out from under the wall it should be fine.
I would pack dirt around the outside of the pool to give the wall some support. That might be all you need to do for now.
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