Ovation Pool Parts

by Jason
(Grand Ledge, MI)

Ovation Foot Plate

Ovation Foot Plate

I recently bought a used 15x30 ovation pool. while removing the pool I damaged 4 of the bottom plates (that's what the owners man. calls them, part #04009) and the dealer where the pool was bought is no longer in business.

I've been trying to find where I can get some with no luck, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Jason.

These pages might help a little finding above ground pool parts.

Asahi Above Ground Pools

Parts For Above Ground Pools

Above Ground Pool Parts

If it were me I would make some repairs to the ones you have and reuse them. At least if they are no worse off than the one in the photo. The plate just needs to hold the upright in place and the bottom rails. It looks like you would have no problem with the uprights. The bottom rails could be laid on the plate and then held in place with a small screw, going through the rail into the plate. It just needs to stabilize the rail long enough to get the wall up, after that the rails will stay in place by themselves.

Comments for Ovation Pool Parts

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Apr 27, 2010
Bottom Plates
by: kim

We took down our 27 foot Ovation pool. Some of the bottom plates broke or were broken. One is completely broken with no way to use. I noticed someone else had been looking for these on this site. I was just wondering if they had any luck finding replacements..part number 04009.

May 24, 2010
Parts for Ovation Pools
by: Emerald Springs

I have the part you are looking for. Foot plate for Ovation Alexandria, Palladian, or Classic. They are all the same, but different colors. If you still need them, feel free to call 405-789-5500, ask for Randy.

Nov 11, 2010

Our store still has some inventory of Ovation Parts. Contact us at 210-646-7665.


Feb 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Get a fiberglass repair kit and glass the outside of them.

Apr 13, 2011
04009 bottom track
by: annette

Did anyone find parts for the ovation pool 15x30 oval? I need 3 of this part no.

Apr 13, 2011
Need this part!!!
by: Courtney

We are trying to put our pool up that we got used from family and a few of the bottom tracks were broke and now we need at least 2 of them. Would like 5 and cant find anywhere online to get them. Pool stores said to look online but nobody has anything even close, or anything that we can find. Does anybody know where I can get them?? Those who might have them say we need the name of the pool and all we have is the number and the Ovation brand name. Not the actual name of the pool.

Would really appreciate any help that anyone can get me!!

Thank you!!

Sep 18, 2011
by: Alain

Hi, do you still need foot plate like these ?
I have some in good shape, send email to digitalain@hotmail.com .............Thanks

Oct 02, 2011
nedd company contact info
by: barbara

I need help! My Ovation pool rusted n split open. The 800 number for customer svc doesn't work. The pool is under warranty. Do you have a contact number or website?

May 21, 2012
Foot plates
by: Rob

I too am looking for foot plates for a zodiac or ovation 18 by 12 pool

May 21, 2012
Foot plates
by: Robert Jacobsen

From what I found out unless we find them online were sol. If you find them let me know. If you give up Ill buy yours. I need 1 or 2.

Aug 18, 2012
If anyone is still looking for ovation pool parts I have
by: Mel

Hi, If anyone is still looking for ovation pool parts such as the plastic foot base I have close to 20 total pieces and they are brand new. I can send pics upon request. I have an ebay account with over 500 transactions with 100 percent feedback. I could sell them to you on ebay for $30 each or 4 for $100 with free shipping. I have every part for these pools accept for the nuts, bolts screws etc. Basically I had 2 15x30 ovals that I'm parting out. They are brand new and never used...you can email me direct at feb2274@yahoo.com

Apr 11, 2013
by: Brian

I have an Ovation Palladian. I need a few top ledge pieces, inner and outer ledge covers, and uprights as they were damaged in the hurricane we had here in NY last fall. If anyone has any parts please email me at. lemcor1@yahoo.com Thanks

Jun 01, 2013
ledge covers
by: Anonymous

I am also looking for the inner and outer buckles for pool. Can't find them any where.

Jul 27, 2014
ovation pool
by: Hill

If anyone has any ovation pool parts I'm looking for the lights with the housing my pool has the light placements. If anyone had any pool they're parting out let me know. Lilhill21@yahoo.com.

Apr 09, 2015
foot plates
by: Anonymous

I am looking for Ovation foot plates. Does anyone know where I can locate some?

May 11, 2015
Ovation Pool Parts
by: Jack

I have a 16 x 32 Ovation Pool. Wall was damaged by ice this winter and I will be taking it down. Most everything else is in good shape. If you need parts,send email to laurbri@comcast.net along with a picture of the part(s) that you need and I will get back to you. Thanks

May 25, 2015
Looking for foot plates
by: Anonymous

I am looking for foot plates for a 24' ovation pool. Also the top cover caps also. Can any direct me in the right direction

Jun 15, 2015
15x30 ovation pool available!
by: Anonymous

I have a 15 x30 above ground Ovation pool ready to give it away for a steal or pay to have it ripped down. What parts does anyone need? Or want the whole pool? Send me an email wdspt@verizon.net

Apr 03, 2016
by: Diane

I bought a Muskin 27' x 48" pool in 2002. I took great care of that pool. 3 weeks ago I heard a loud noise and the pool split in half. Is tehre a number I can call for warranty.

Jun 10, 2016
by: Anonymous

My client(a cerebral palsey girl)enjoys playing in her pool..unfortunately the day after filling it ..It totally fell apart and can't be fixed..Her Father lost a leg last year..mom lost her job at Casino..since found part time job...they can't afford another pool(Ovation above ground)pool..I feel so bad for them as it was great therapy for their daughter..who can't speek or walk on her own..water helps her with buoyancy...sometimes U can't get her out of the pool,as she enjoys it so much...If there's a company out there that could help this Family get another pool(donation or good discount..Promotional situation) Any suggestions? wainfleetgirl@yahoo.ca

Jul 06, 2016
Ovation foot plates
by: Anonymous

Looking for 6 Ovation foot plates 04oo9. Does anyone have any?

Apr 12, 2017
Ovation Alexandria 15x30 Top Rail & Parts
by: Anonymous

Anyone have any?

Jul 19, 2020
Ovation Pool Parts
by: Gary G

Have a 25 x52in Ovation Classic . Need 2 Bottom Plates,2 top colum fastners Round Pillars 515 297 2777

Aug 02, 2020
by: Anonymous

I can’t tell if this is a new comment or 10 years old but I have some of these bottom plates. A am also looking for the top stabilizer bars for an 18 x12 agp

Aug 02, 2020
Bottom plates
by: Rob j

I have bottom plates let me know.
I’m looking for top stabilizer bars for an 18 x12 oval
The metal part under the wide top plate that holds the pool side in. 631 767 2067

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