Overlap Liner Question

by Benwa

I had a pool installed recently with an overlap liner. I was going to cut the excess liner off, but after reading your advise on folding the excess back into the pool, I decided to ask this question.

My pool is now full, can I still do this without worrying about the liner slipping? I would think it shouldn't move since it is full. What is your thought?

Hi Benwa

Doing this with a full pool is possible, I'm just not sure I would recommend it.

A perfectly installed pool will push open slightly at the top when a rail is removed. It can take the strength of many men to push the rails back close enough to use the same screw holes.

If you drop the water by just a foot your job would be so much easier. You would also have more room available to tuck the liner into.

Do just a few rails at a time. As a few rails come off, a few go back on. At all times keep your uprights straight. Don't let them start to angle, this is a sign you need to be pushing more, to keep them straight.

Use lots of cloths pins. This is how I set the liner into place before installing the coping and rods.

This is a much better solution than cutting the liner, but I would drain a little water first.

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Replacing An Overlapping Pool Liner

by Josh Vance
(Harlan ky)

I have really two questions, first roughly how much sand would it take on a 18' pool if I have to replace it?

For my second question what is the best way to hold the liner up while you get the bottom set right?

Hi Josh

An 18' pool would normally use about 2 1/2 tons of sand.

Installing the liner can be done a couple of different ways. I usually pull the liner over top of the existing pool frame. I tape any sharp edges on the top rails and caps so they do not tear the liner.

I then pull the liner up and over the edge of the pool until the center is just off the sand. I start the water filling and slowly let the liner down until the water is just a few inches from the edge. Doing this will pull all the wrinkles out of the liner without you in the pool, on your hands and knees, putting footprints in the sand while you try to smooth the liner.

When the liner is close to the edge I take a few rails off at a time and set the liner into place. I hold the liner with cloths pins while I install the coping.

The other way to do it is to remove all the top rails and stuff. When using this method I pull the liner over the wall, just a couple of inches, and hold it in place with cloths pins.

Once the water is near the edge, and the bottom smooth, I then go around and set the liner. Once it is properly set the coping and rods can then be installed.

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New Pool Liner

by Berry
(Canton Mich)

I have a 15 x 30 above ground pool I am replacing the liner.

I had it all done and started to fill it over night and the liner started to come down and made a mess. So Now I'm thinking the problem was that their was not enough sand at the bottom. Could you tell me from the bottom of the pool to the top how many inches should it be? It is 52 inch high pool so I don't know if it should be 52 inches or more or less.

Hi Berry

My guess is you just need to fill the pool during the heat of the day. Sunshine on a liner makes all the difference in the world.

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New liner

by James
(Bellefonte. PA)

How long can I let my new liner in the pool without putting in Water? I just installed the liner today and the water truck will not be here until Monday and today is Saturday.

Hi James

You will be just fine. I recently finished a liner installation for a liner that had sat in a pool for over a month. The original installer gave up on the project, I finished it with no problem. It is after a couple seasons of use, when you drain the pool the liner will shrink.

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