Painting a Pool Ladder

by Dave
(London, Ontario)

What type of paint should I use to paint the aluminum hand rails for pool steps on an above ground pool? Where the rails contact the water they are bubbled and pealing.

Hi Dave

I would sand the rails very good and paint them with a high quality enamel spray paint. Marine enamel would be even better, and a local boat shop should be able to help you out with that.

You might also consider replacing the ladder with an all resin one and avoid that problem all together. Most above ground pool ladders have eliminated the use of aluminum because of the problems you are having. Resin ladders just need a good cleaning every now and then to stay looking nice.

Pages related to above ground pool ladders.

Above Ground Pool Ladders

Above Ground Pool Resin Deck

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Longer Deck Ladder

by Jake

We recently had a deck built around our Doughboy above ground pool. Now, the ladder is too short to reach the bottom. It's an Ultimate brand A frame ladder. I took the outside steps off and extended it as much as possible, but it is still not deep enough.

Do you have any idea how I can add more height to the existing ladder? If not, do you know of a ladder that extends to at least 58" AND holds 275 lbs.?


Hi Jake

You may want to go with something like the link below shows. It is fully adjustable and will mount to any above ground pool depth. It is also rated to handle up to four hundred pounds. Most of the in pool ladders, or deck ladders, made today are adjustable and would work out well for you.

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Different Application for Deck Ladder

by Jim Kunkel
(Tahoe City, CA 96145)

Pool Ladder Maybe?

Pool Ladder Maybe?

I have put a single mattress elevated 50" off the floor. It happens to be above a stairwell, and under counter fridge, so making best us of the space.

I need a ladder to get up for the foot of the bed. I have seen resin pool ladders that might fit application. You're least favorite might work in fact. I could trim about 4 inches of alder to push step portion into the room. It attached at the end of the bed.

Any suggestions on something that could look attractive in a living space?


Hi Jim

The above ground pool ladder shown on this page would be my first choice.

Deck Ladder

A deck ladder is just half of a regular ladder and would be easy to modify to fit your bed.

In The Swim should have several models to choose from.

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