Parts For AGP'S

by Vince
(Essex md)

Top Rail Replacement

We have a 15'X 30' Olympic brand above ground pool that is probably 17 years old. The top rail (under the pans) is rusting away so bad that pieces sometimes 6" long simply slough off into the water and rust scale is turning up in the filtering system. Not good for pump impellers either! Where can I get replacement parts?


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Top Rail Connectors and Rail Connector Screw Covers

by Thomas Hiette
(Saint Louis, Missouri)

Pool Side Wall

Pool Side Wall

We were gifted out 24 foot above ground pool 8 years ago. Another family got an inground and we got their above ground. They used it around 5 years.

Having new liner installed soon. Trying to assist out pool place in

1) naming the maker of the pool

2) finding new top rail connectors

3) finding top rail screw covers

If you could assist it would be appreciated

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Who Makes This Above Ground Pool

by Anne Wilson

Who Makes This Above Ground Pool

Who Makes This Above Ground Pool

I need caps for an 18' x 33' above ground aluminum pool. I don't know the manufacturer.

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Identify the Brand of this Pool

by Todd Brill
(Lancaster, PA)

Pool With Fence

Pool With Fence

I've attached a photo of our pool (came with the house when we bought it 8yrs ago) to see if you can identify it. You wouldn't believe all I have searched Google for "above ground round pool, 24' by 48"high" w/o success.

It has a 1 foot-wide walk-way around the pool, railings like you see in the picture, and a deck that fans out (10' by 5") near the entrance ladder, which goes up to block access.

I just need to be able to identify the brand so I can buy parts - one of the metal side tore yesterday.

I would greatly appreciate your expertise.

Looks like my old one

by: Frank

Hi, I lived in Bensalem, Pa. and in 1980 I bought a pool same size and looks just your picture from Kayak pools, advertize on the back of the Sunday newspaper TV guide,I got 15 years out of original liner and never drained the pool,sides were starting to pit and put in foam sides when replacing the liner, everything was intact and in good shape when I sold in 2001. I google Kayak, They are still around for your start (Namco) also rings a bell.

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Corner Caps

by Tim Hudson
(Hollywood MD)

Corner cap

Corner cap

I am looking for these corner caps. Thanks, Tim

I am looking for these also

by: Tom Allen

Hey guys, have you found these top caps yet? I just purchased a house with a 18X33 oval pool and these are the exact top caps I am looking for. I have no luck finding them except for with your post. Please help.

Comments for Corner Caps

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Jun 22, 2015
Any luck
by: Anonymous

I am also looking for these exact corner caps any luck

Jul 06, 2015
Corner Caps
by: Dave Meffley

I am also looking for these corner caps. Our pool was purchased from Blue Water Pools in Maumee, Ohio but they are out of business now. Don't know when they went out of business but would like to know if someone bought their remaining inventory.

Jul 08, 2015
Corner Caps
by: Dave Meffley

Preferred Pools & Spas, 1285 Conant St., Maumee, Ohio, 419-893-2590 has these Olympic Pool corner caps.

Apr 06, 2020
Need These Caps - Another Source
by: Anonymous

The Maumee OH store is out of these caps. Is there anywhere else that would have them?

Apr 03, 2023
Corner caps
by: Rick

I to am looking for these my pool people say that the company that made them are no longer in business and it's going to be very hard to find if anybody does please comment.

Aug 06, 2023
Found a Solution
by: Andrew

Found a solution for the corner caps issues. Go to olympicpoolscornercaps(dot)company(dot)site

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Pool Part Manufacture ID

by Don Dehn
(West Columbia , South Carolina)

complete top cap

complete top cap

I posted a question on a partial pool that I acquired, now I have acquired another pool that's complete, except missing top plates, caps and cap bases. If anyone knows who manufactured, sold or installed these pool caps, part number is 19612, the base part number is 19613, and I believe the top plate part number is 19614, any and all information is greatly appreciated, thank Don.

Pool Caps

by: Anonymous

Those are the same caps I am looking for. Watson's sold us the pool in '05 and from my invoice, it looks like a company called Wilbar made the pool.

Comments for Pool Part Manufacture ID

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Apr 23, 2014
Need Top plates
by: Johnny

Bought a 15x30 buttress-free oval in 2004 called The Cayman made by Sunsport recreation and it has top caps that are just like that. I need top plates for mine if they can be found.

Jul 10, 2014
pool parts
by: Anonymous

i think all of the parts you are looking for can be purchased at Recreational Warehouse.

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Filter for Hayward Swimpro Infinity Series SW1500

by Monica

I have an older pool that is above ground. It has a Hayward Swimpro Infinity Series pump/filter system it says "SW1500" on it for size. The filter/cartridge is 19 1/2" long, 9 1/2" outside diameter, with 3" inside diameter. I can't seem to find a replacement anywhere. Can't match the dimensions from any dealer. Does anyone have any idea where I can get one? Thank you for the help.

Comments for Filter for Hayward Swimpro Infinity Series SW1500

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Jun 02, 2016
Hayward Infinity Series sw 1500 Filter
by: Tom

I parted out my pool when I moved and have the filter with a brand new N2C1250 swim pure cartridge still in the box

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