Parts For Pools

by David Nugent
(Roscoe, IL)

Tidewater Bottom Rail

I have a 27 ft Tidewater, Blue Ribbon model above ground pool. One of the bottom rails has rust. Can anyone help me find a replacement part?

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May 14, 2016
evolution pool
by: Nancy

I have a evolution pool. Top plates are all rusted & underneath also rusted. I have been searching for a few days for them. they are so rusted that all that is left on the front side now is paint. I have had this pool for 4 years, we bought it for therapy for me. I had a hip replacement in 2011. hope fully we can find it. I have the model # 17829 for it. . I'am thinking we might have to go in debt to fix this problem, oh well that's how it goes.

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Top Rails and Plate Needed.

by Jayson Robinson
(Rochester, NY)

Full pool side pic

Full pool side pic

I bought a house with an above ground pool in western NY. I believe the pool to be about 10 - 15 years old. It is 16x32 above ground oval. That being said, the top rails and plate are all rusted and in need of repair. I can't find a manufacturer anywhere so I'm hoping someone will be able to tell what kind of pool this is.

Pool model and manufacturer identified.

by: Jayson

I just wanted to let everyone know that the above pool has been identified as a Cornelius Mirada. I have the entire top ledge assembly on order from the manufacturer. Hope it helps someone out there.

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Oyster Bay

Does anyone know where i can find an oyster bay resin base plate #605? It is for the 6" frame series. 24' round by 52" high Oyster Bay pool.

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Sandstone Pool Parts

by Dawn
(Fort Lupton, CO)

Looking for seat & clamp and top rail (or seat) for a Sandstone 6500 18' round pool. Branch fell and broke it and I am having no luck finding one. The pool was purchased in 2007 - manufacturer in Artisian from the best we can find. Need asap so that we can open pool. Thank you!

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One Piece Resin Clip on Covers

by Anne

According to the diagram on page 12 at this link,,
I need one piece resin clip on covers for a Mystique 52", 18x33 above ground pool. I can't find an on line source for them.

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Pearl Escape 52" Top Plates

We are looking for top plates. I have emailed Trendium Pools, but have not gotten a response. Any help would be appreciated?

Comments for Pearl Escape 52" Top Plates

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Jun 07, 2014
Had an idea
by: Pamela Cairns

So I went online searching for replacement top rails and t-connectors for my intex above ground pool. We sunk it in the ground and it is the cheap kind that has ribs or poles going down with t-connectors and top rails. I finally found a place that sells them Brandonsale. What they had seemed reasonable (especially if you only need a few) but to replace 18 connectors and 18 top rails with shipping would be almost 500.00. I could buy a new pool for less and replace the rails from that pool, but I feel like eventually we will make this a regular inground pool and I don't want to spend that kind of money on a cheap temporary fix.

So....I had a thought! Why not use pvc connectors and pvc t's? Run the pvc poles thru the slots where the top rails would go (it works we tried it) and you could do one of two things to connect the t's. You could slip a pvc pole over the poles running down into the ground and then put the pvc t connector on that or just slip the pvc connector on the metal pole that is already in the ground. That also works we checked. Of course you will have to get the correct sizes of pvc to make it work but pvc does not rust and is strong especially for a pool that is in the ground (ours in all but maybe a foot in the ground)being supported by dirt on one side and water on the other. You could paint pvc to match your pool better and to me if you think about it this opens up an enitre set of new possibilities for inexpensive pools that can look and work as much more expensive pools.

So my idea here is that some brilliant people like me ;)take my idea and run with it adding more great ideas until we all have these fabulous looking pools that cost next to nothing. GO! Pamela Cairns

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Legend 30 ft Round Pool

by Curt
(Johnstown, PA)

I have a Legend brand 30ft round pool that is ten years old. I need a few sections of the inner stabilizer rail replaced but I cant find them anywhere on the internet. Can you help me?

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Brand Unknown

by Darlene
(Pelham NC)

Needing bolts, washers and nuts to put pool walls together, have two brackets to put there too, one on each side and then you use silver tape to cover screws so they don’t cut liner.

Hi Darlene You just need to go to the hardware store and buy 1/4" Phillips head bolts and matching nuts. I had the same problem with a pool I installed last week, no nuts and bolts. It's an easy fix.

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