by Liz Rowland
(Red Bank, NJ)
Asahi Top Seats
I am looking for 7 inch wide top seats, 44 3/8-44 5/8 long for an Asahi pool. Part # 1171. Can you help?
Vertical End Caps
by: Anonymous
I'm looking for vertical end caps for a 24" round doughboy pool. The paper says it needs 36 of them and the pool store in town says they are obsolete.
(Rhode Island)
In Ground Vinyl Pool
I purchased my home with an existing in-ground/above ground swimming pool steel walled. The previous owner scrapped the edging/coping assumed to have been aluminum. I have no idea what I should be looking for in search engines!! I have attached photos. The Trex decking is abutting the edge of the steel and is level for the most part. There are holes in the steel where I'm assuming it was once attached. Any help would be appreciated.
by Dawn
Above Ground Oval Pool With Fence
We were given this 15'x30'x48" AGP, but I have no idea what brand it is. The people that gave it to us said it was a Doughboy (they bought it used). I don't think it is and was curious as to what brand it truly is. I'm actually looking for replacement caps for the aluminum posts. It takes a beaded liner that fits into the aluminum walkway around the pool. Any help identifying this pool or caps would be appreciated.
Hi Dawn.
One thing for sure, it is not a Doughboy.
Caps for tops of aluminum railing post
by: Don
Hi Dawn, I'm checking to see if you ever found these caps you are looking for. I need them for my pool also. Also wondering if you found out what brand of pool it was. I've found different names during my search that might be what your pool is. Royal by USA or it could be called Ambassodor? Our pool was sold by a co named Penguin Pools in Tulsa, OK back in 1995-1996.
If you found these caps please send me the order information to Thanks
Comments for What Brand of Pool
I have a used Pacifica above ground that I am setting up, but 4 of the bottom rails are rusted out. Where can I order new rails? I have been all over the net.
Comments for Pacifica Bottom Rails
by Tina
(Double Springs, AL)
I have a 24' round pool. I need to replace the top rails and caps. The only name I can find is in my paperwork and that is WIL-BAR INTERNATIONAL, INC. The existing rails on my pool are 49"-49.5" long, 6" wide, double lines on the inside and outside of each rail, and in the center slightly raised oval designs. The caps were plastic two piece. If you can help me located these parts I will be very grateful. Thanks!
by Terri
We moved into a house with an ovation above ground pool. Several of the top rail connectors have cracked/broken we are trying to find replacement parts. The pool is oval with dimensions 15(across)x30(long)x4(deep)x5.9(at the ends).
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