Patio Blocks Under Above Ground Pool

by Bob
(Northeast Ohio)

I am installing a 24 ft pool in an area that used to have a 30 ft both round, I am planning on putting patio blocks under the entire bottom rail to get it perfectly level.

Is there any reason that I should not do it this way? I will use the existing sand to build the cove and cover the bottom.

Hi Bob.

There is no problem with doing this as long as you are very careful to not let the sand wash out. Blocks can leave little uneven areas under the track that could possibly allow the sand to seep out.

As long as you are packing dirt in around the outside of the pool you should be just fine. If not you may want to consider the preformed pool cove.

Above Ground Pool Preformed Pool Cove

When you use the preformed pool cove you do not need the dirt packed around the outside of the pool to prevent a washout. The smallest little leak in the cove area can cause the sand to start washing out from under the rail. This never happens with the pool cove.

The blocks will work out great as far as keeping the pool level, nothing wrong with that at all.

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Oct 30, 2012
Don't Do it!
by: Keith

If your planning to rest your pool track on block, dig into solid virgin earth and level with the rest of the virgin earth not the sand. I to upon installing a new 24ft pool wanted to use block. I expected the installers to level the blocks with the virgin earth and they didn't. They just placed the pool track at the vertical supports over the blocks. It left approx 1.50" space and the pressure has pushed out the sand around the edges. I even used a pool foam cove and sand in addition to it. I have had nothing but problems. It has been less than a year and the only right thing to do is drain the pool and pack the edges and replace the liner. The company I used in N Ga. was Pro Atlas Inc. I warned them before they installed that that would probably happen, they assured me it wouldn't. I wish I would have stopped them and made them install it correctly. Use common sense and do it right the first time!

Excellent point Keith, thanks.

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