by Patricia
(Neptune, NJ)
I had to replace my above ground liner this season. Upon having my liner installed (which I paid $400) the very next day I noticed water all around the pool.
I had the installer come out and look at it and he tells me that I have several pin holes in the liner for so much water to be around the pool. I talked to the company of the liner and finally they sent me a new liner.
I had the installer put the new liner in (and additional $375). We swam for about 3wks before I noticed the water level going down. I called the installer and he said he couldn't explain the problem, that I must have put a hole in the pool some how.
So I drained out the water enough so I could find any holes and patch them. My husband and I searched for 3 days and found nothing. So I hired a new installer ($125) who detects holes and he informed me that I have several pin holes in the liner, possibly from termites or a bad installation job. Could this be possible? This replacement of a new liner has cost us a pretty penny.
Hi Patricia.
What you have described is very possible. The first liner sounds like a bad seam. When a seam goes bad it usually does so upon initial filling. You would not have had time to put pin holes in the liner. It was most likely a bad seam. or something the installer did, pin holes do not seam likely.
The second leak could easily be something you are responsible for. Pool cleaners are the most likely cause of pin holes. We had a pool company selling a Barracuda one year and they told all of their customers to just leave it in the pool and let it run every time the filter ran. This turned out to be a big mistake. Within a few months the areas where the cleaner spent the most time were full of pin holes. We replaced a ton of liners that year and the year following, all because of pinholes.
While doing these liner changes we were required to bring back the damaged portion of liner. I would crawl underneath these liners where the pin holes could be easily seen. Sometimes there were hundreds of them. These all came from a cleaner spending to much time in one spot and running way more than they needed to be.
Back when hand vacuuming a pool was popular, all the holes were around the outer edge of the pool, where the vacuum head was pushed into the sidewall. These were easy to find. At the top of the cove would be a dark broken line as the holes worked their way across the corrugated sidewall.
I'm not sure how the second guy determined the holes were pin holes. That almost sounds like what you say when you can't find anything. Pin holes are next to impossible to spot and only appear when you crawl under the liner. From under the liner pin holes look like the Milky Way.
I used to go out and find leaks for people. I charged 65.00 and would not charge a thing if I could not find the hole and patch it. Hopefully your pool is patched and no longer leaking.
If you do need to change the liner, get underneath it before it is taken out of the pool. Have a helper pull the liner pack up over the wall making it dark on the underside. This will give you a very good idea about what really happened to this liner. What you learn may prevent it from ever happening again.
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